2018 - Apollo Cosmetic Clinics
  • All You Need to Know about Lip Augmentation and its Treatment

    Lip Augmentation-what is it really?

    Lip augmentation or lip enhancement is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure done to make lips look fuller and plumper. The enlargement is done through the use of lip fillers. An injectable dermal filler is used to achieve this result.

    Collagen, a dermal filler that was commonly used before has been replaced by newer, safer procedures with long-lasting effects.

    Fat injections and lip implants are other augmentation procedures that are not much in use due to the risks and possible side effects.

    Dermal fillers come in various forms, but ones that are frequently used are products that contain ingredients similar to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in the body and can make the lips voluminous. These fillers are commonly known as hyaluronic acid fillers.

    Is lip augmentation the way to go?

    As you age or as a genetic outcome, your body produces lesser collagen which makes your lips deflate and sag. Visible lines start to show which may not be appealing to some.

    If thin lips are a major concern for you, lip augmentation may help. Lip augmentation increases lip volume and fills age-related creases in the lip border. The other reasons lip augmentation may be right for you are:

    • Restoring shape of lips
    • Correction of downturn lips
    • Hydration of lips, replacement of moisture loss.
    • Filling the upper lip lines
    • Redefine the lip borders.

    At your consultation, the physician will elaborate on the various methods and help you decide the one that will give you the best results.

    Normally cosmetic lip procedures are safe, but you must make sure you discuss the risks and your medical history with your doctor before you make the decision.

    What to expect after Lip Augmentation?

    Lip enhancement procedures that were considered a taboo in the olden days are turning out to be an obvious choice for many women today. It has proved to be an effective technique to counter age-related volume loss of the lips.

    However confident you are about lip enhancement, you must be aware of the temporary and permanent results of the procedure.

    Although the results of hyaluronic filling are temporary, they are a much safer alternative when compared to thicker injectable options. These may last longer but do not spread as evenly as hyaluronic ones causing bumps and lumps.

    Since lips are a sensitive body part, there may be some pain, post-injection. Ice packs may help ease the pain.

    It is very important that you get the procedure done by an experienced and trustworthy facial cosmetic surgeon. He should administer the injection in the right place and also in the right amount. Overcorrection of the philtrum can create “duck-like lips”.

    Permanent lip fillers are not the best choice as they too age over time. The chances of infections and complications are also more with these fillers.

    The amount of time temporary fillers may take to show effect will depend on your body’s ability to break down the components.

    Tips to get the best results from your lip augmentation procedure 

    To prevent any unpredictable side-effects of the injection, avoid taking vitamins, aspirin and any anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before the procedure.

    There is a slight chance of allergic reaction in some cases of lip augmentation. To work a way around this, candidates must report any existing allergies to the physician. They must also report if they have any issues with anesthesia.

    Make sure your surgeon only uses FDA approved augmentation products.

    Lip augmentation procedures are performed at your surgeon’s office quickly with little or no downtime.

    Once the side effects settle down, you will be able to notice a difference. After you have healed completely, your lips should start feeling, looking natural and more attractive.

    For any cosmetic procedure, it is important to consult an expert. Book an appointment today with Apollo Cosmetic Clinics.

  • Liposuction: Best Technique for Fat Removal and Skin Tightening

    Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure carried out in order to remove excess and undesirable fat. The procedure is usually done on the thighs, buttocks, belly, arms or face. However, it is to be noted that liposuction should not be taken as a weight-loss method. There is a misconception regarding liposuction to be a treatment for obesity. Undergoing this procedure only alters body contours to suit the individual’s preferences.

    Who is eligible to undergo liposuction?

    The very first and the most important characteristics of undergoing liposuction procedure are to have a good and healthy body. To check if you are eligible to undergo this procedure, you need to be aware of your body mass index and make sure you are at least 30% of your ideal weight. The patient must have firm skin and must not have a habit of smoking. The procedure is not recommended for the ones who deal with health problems like heart ailments, weak immune system or diabetes. It must be noted by the patient that the procedure removes excess fat but not cellulite.

    The procedure

    The patient has to go through a number of general health tests in order to qualify as fit to undergo surgery. The individual also has to sign a declaration form stating they are aware of the benefits, risks and other alternatives of the procedure before the treatment starts.

    The operation is done under general anaesthesia which lasts about 1-4 hours. Local anaesthesia may also be used after the procedure in order to ease the pain. There are five techniques of liposuction which are as follows:

    • Tumescent Liposuction- This is the most common technique of liposuction. It includes pumping of a number of litres of saline solution added with a local anaesthetic and epinephrine into the area which is to be suctioned. Small suction tubes are used to suck out the fat.
    • Dry liposuction- The method involves greater risk of bleeding and internal bruises as no fluids are injected in the body unless the fat is removed.
    • Power-assisted liposuction- A fat sucking tube is used in this technique which sucks fat by continuously moving back and forth.
    • Laser Assisted Lipolysis- In this procedure the surgeon makes use of a small tube and inserts it under the skin through a small incision. The tube transmits laser energy and heat to break the fat down.
    • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction- The tube or cannula here is charged with ultrasound in order to melt the undesired fat on contact. After the fat melts, the liquefied fat is drained out of the body using suction-assisted liposuction.

    How is liposuction the best technique for fat removal and skin tightening?

    A lot of people sweat for hours in the gym, cut out on their diet and adopt a number of measures to reduce their body fat and yet see no results. Liposuction is a simple solution for those who look for an effective technique to remove excess body fat. Every technique of liposuction is equally effective and the safety measures adopted are top notch. Therefore, the results are truly value for money. Given below are a few points that lay stress on why liposuction is the best method for fat removal and skin tightening:

    Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure, but it is often a remedy for various health conditions including:

    • Liposuction helps with extreme weight loss, after obesity.
    • To remove lipomas, which are fatty tumours that may develop in certain parts of the body. It is the safest option as it involves minimal risk.
    • Removal of gynecomastia, the accumulation of fat under man’s breasts
    • It is the solution to lipodystrophy syndrome which is characterized by the near-complete absence of fat in the body.
    • Liposuction is also a cure for lymphedema.

    Liposuction procedure is an answer to all problems which may occur due to excess body fat or near-complete lack of it. Getting liposuction done from a skilled surgeon helps you get a fit body and hence maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Book an appointment today with Apollo Cosmetic Clinics to get desired results.

  • Natural After-Care Remedies for Facelift Surgery

    Needless to say, facelift is probably the most rewarding yet convoluted procedures for a younger looking skin. Although the results are often miraculous, the post-operative need to be followed diligently for minimizing the complications. Moreover, sustainable and long-term surgery results are only possible if the patient emphasizes on natural after-care remedies.

    In the next few sections, we shall look at some of the facelift before and aftercare techniques which need to be followed. However, before moving any further into this discussion, we need to understand that bandages being placed, all around the face after the surgery is common and helps minimize bruises and swelling. Although the doctor offers an extensive post-operative care list, certain natural after-care remedies are expected to work wonders.

    1. The first and foremost step involves maximizing bodily comfort for the first 48 hours. Any movement of the head must take place in an elevated condition and the patient must initially rest on a recliner. One aftercare tip is not to bend the neck forward, at least for a week or two.
    2. For relaxing the facial muscles, it’s important to apply eye masks or ice bags, at least for the first three days. This approach helps minimize swelling and post-operative complications.
    3. Diet plays an important role in post-operative care and it’s important to start with a pretty light, liquid-centric one. The best natural after-care technique would therefore be to start with soups and proceed gradually.
    4. The entire body needs to relax for the first few days and sleeping postures play a significant role. While awake, it is important to flex the legs and ankles up and down, for at least 4 to 6 times, each hour. Moreover, it is important to refrain from turning the heads in either direction. It might unnecessarily pull the stitch lines and lead to unwanted scars. If the scars appear, it is advisable to opt for scar removal treatment, going into the future.
    5. The best natural remedies are those which involve restricted facial movements like yawning, chewing, talking, and even smiling, at least for a week.
    6. It is also important to prioritize sun protection for a minimum period of 8 weeks. The patient must not forget that the entire face is  extremely sensitive after a facelift surgery. It is advisable to go out only after applying a strong sunscreen. The patient, if required to go out must also carry brim hats to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight.
    7. Bruises and scars might show up around the incisions. As a part of the post-operative care, one must diligently massage the affected areas with moisturizing cream. This eventually would soften the area and render maturity to an otherwise vulnerable skin; thereby helping individuals compare facelift before and after results with confidence.

    What Aspects to Account for?

    While we did mention some of the most effective, natural after-care remedies for facelift surgery, it is important to understand which aspects these remedial techniques are expected to cover. After facelift surgery, the patient must account for minor to major bleeding while trying to minimize the instances of swelling by avoiding heavy lifting and wearing elastic straps.

    Although pain-relieving medications are prescribed by the surgeon, one can still counter the same naturally by minimizing smoking, consumption of liquor, and similar entities.

    Facelift surgery is an invasive procedure that requires a considerable amount of time to recover from. The after-care techniques are therefore expected to minimize the possible complications like nausea, vomiting, pain, skin discoloration, scars, and swelling. Visit Apollo Cosmetic Clinics for best cosmetic treatment.

  • All You Need to Know About Scar Removal Treatment

    Scar removal is quite helpful to a patient’s state of well-being, provided everything is analyzed and cleared beforehand. Skin surfaces are extremely sensitive and even a small tear can develop into a potential scar. That said, not every scar is equal.

    There are certain types of scars that need medical intervention, which is why scar removal treatment comes across as a powerful, remedial process.

    The Basics of Scarring

    It might be a surprise to many, but scarring is a natural healing process, post-injury. While the end appearance might look frustrating at times, scars indicate that the body is healing itself. In addition to the extent of the injury, the size and spread of scar are also determined by gender, ethnicity, and even the genes.

    Before moving any further into this discussion, we need to understand the types of scars, eventually leading to the existing treatment options:

    • Contracture Scars— These scars result out of skin burns and often lead to skin tightening and impaired mobility. Moreover, these are the only type of scars which have deep-seated effects on nerves and muscles.
    • Keloid Scars– One can easily relate these scars to body’s aggressive way of healing itself. However, if unattended, these scars can also hamper overall movement, which might eventually require remedial measures like silicone sheets or steroid injections.
    • Acne Scars— These are the most common form of scars caused due to excessive acne. If left ignored, the scars can develop into deep pits or angular irregularities.
    • Hypertrophic Scars— These are similar to keloid. Injuries might not be the only reason behind its occurrence.

    Scar Removal Treatment: Details

    Now that we have addressed the types of scars, we will learn more about the scar removal treatment options. The scar removal strategies depend on the type of scar, as mentioned in the preceding sections:


    • Creams, gels, and ointments


    These are some of the best over-the-counter treatment options available for minimizing the size, spread, and effect of scars. A majority of these creams and medicinal ointments are often prescribed by doctors as a part of the post-operative care. Apart from that, these over-the-counter options are also suitable for treating keloid and acne scars to a considerable extent.


    • Injections


    Steroid injections are some of the most potent scar removal treatment options, perfect for hypertrophic and keloid scars. Mostly, injections are used when the concerned physician is looking to minimize the after-effects of a recently concluded procedure that resulted in scar development.


    • Surgical Procedures


    While treating deeper scars is usually at the discretion of the concerned medical practitioner, there are certain surgical procedures needed in case of existing complications. Some of the most effective techniques include excision, skin grafts, dermabrasion, and even laser surgeries. Although most of these procedures require expert advice and can be time-consuming, surgical approaches can treat the scar completely. One such example is skin grafting treatment where skin tissues from one part of the body are used to hide the scars, via surgical procedures.

    It must be understood that almost every scar removal treatment plan comes with a considerable downtime. Therefore, if the scars have resulted out of a previous treatment like a facelift or a cosmetic surgery, it is advisable to wait for some time and allow the scars to heal and disappear naturally.

  • Things To Know About Hair Transplant And Its Side Effects

    Hair transplant is a procedure in which hair is grafted to a bald area from a donor area. In this process, the surgeon moves hair from the back or the side of the head to the bald area. The technique is mostly used to treat male pattern baldness. This is a minimally invasive procedure in which grafts containing hair follicles are transplanted to the bald scalp from a donor area.


    The scalp is first numbed with a local anesthetic and the aftercare of the surgery involves the patient taking prescribed medication. In most of the cases, patients experience 60% hair regrowth within 6-9 months of the transplant.


    Types Of Hair Transplant

    Follicular Unit Extraction

    It is one of the primary methods of obtaining hair follicles for hair transplantation.

    Follicular Unit Transplant

    It is the traditional hair transplant method involving extraction of a linear strip of hair-bearing skin from the back or the side of the scalp.

    What Are The Side Effects Of Hair Transplant?


    One of the side effects of hair transplant surgery is bleeding. At times, bleeding is to be expected and can be stopped with normal pressure but persistent bleeding might require the surgeon to do some extra stitching to close the wounds.


    Itching is a very common side effect experienced by the patients post a hair transplant surgery. It occurs in areas affected by hair transplant surgery. Yet, it does not last for more than a few days. Itching mostly happens due to the formation of scabs and it can be controlled with regular shampooing. Using shampoo to wash the hair every day helps to reduce the irritation. This side effect may sometimes become severe if not addressed properly.


    If you are genetically prone to scarring then it will happen post hair transplant surgery. Very rarely, patients have scarring which takes the form of ridges. Scarring generally occurs in patients who are already disposed and most likely occur in individuals who opt for strip plantations.


    It is rare but Infections do occur in hair transplant surgery. Infections can be easily avoided with the use of antibiotics.

    Temporary Thinning

    You might find post hair transplant surgery, your hair that you already have is thinning. Do not be alarmed as it is a normal condition post-surgery. The thickness of the hair comes back after a few months. This is one of the most common side effects of hair transplant surgery.

    It is also common for implanted hair to fall off shortly after the surgery. The hair grows back afterwards.


    Cysts mainly occur when the hair follicles damage your skin and push deep into the layers. They appear in the areas where hair is transplanted, the recipient area. But cysts do not last more than a few weeks and are hardly the size of a pimple.


    5 percent of the patients have this problem post-surgery, but it can be troublesome if it lasts more than a few days. Hiccups are also a common side-effect of hair transplant surgeries. In every 100 patients, 5 are affected by this side effect post-surgery. The cause for it is unknown and the hiccups can last from some hours to several days.


    Another common side effect is numbness. Patients report about feeling numb for several weeks post-surgery. Although it is temporary, numbness is inevitable after the procedure.


    Swelling happens in the forehead and around the eyes post-surgery. It lasts for only a few days.

    For a further understanding of hair transplant surgery, visit Apollo Cosmetic Clinic for a consultation.

  • Natural Tips & Methods For Hair Removal

    There are many ways of getting rid of body hair. From shaving to waxing to laser hair removal but what about natural methods for hair removal? Are there methods that help in getting rid of body hair using only natural ingredients of nature?

    Till now you must be aware of various hair removal creams available in the market that helps you remove unwanted facial hair from your skin. People mostly go ahead with waxing procedures in order to eradicate useless hair from the face, hands, and skin.

    But, there are some natural methods that remove unwanted hair right from your face, hands, and skin.

    Unwanted hair has always been a concern. We are more than willing to pay the price the products demand, to get rid of the unwanted body hair.

    But, there is a vast range of homemade remedies to combat unwanted hair, but it requires a certain amount of patience. These methods are easy practical methods and can do just as well as any other product, thereby saving your time, effort and money.

    Let us learn about some of the natural techniques in removing hair right from your skin layer.

    Turmeric Method

    You need turmeric powder, sesame oil, and gram flour for this method. Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder with the same amount of gram flour. Pour sesame oil until you have a thick paste. Apply the paste to the areas with unwanted body hair and let the mixture dry for about 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. Use a gentle scrub to get rid of the paste, and hair will come off in the process. You can repeat this remedy, once weekly, to remove the unwanted hair.

    Sugar, Honey, And Lemon Method

    You will need honey, sugar, and lemon for this method. Mix a tablespoon of sugar with a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice respectively. Keep the mixture in a metal bowl, and place that bowl over a boiler. This will heat the liquid slowly, dissolving the sugar and making a thick wax-like paste for applying.

    Before applying the wax, apply a bit of cornstarch to the areas you want to wax. This prevents the wax mixture from clinging to your skin.

    Using a wooden spoon, apply wax to your skin in the direction of the hairs. Pat, a strip of waxing cloth into the wax, allow it to cool and harden, and rip off. It works like a regular wax and is natural.

    Egg-Cornstarch Method

    You will need one egg, cornstarch, and sugar. Crack the egg white into a mixing bowl with half a tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix well until it forms a thick, smooth paste for applying. Apply the paste to your skin, let it dry for 20 minutes and peel it off.

    Pumice Gems Method

    Pumice gems have crystals like substance that is used for scrubbing the area where there is excess hair growth. Use it as soon as you apply water and soap on the body, else it could form rashes along with red spots on your skin. Using pumice gems regularly before bathing can completely reduce unwanted hair growth on your body.

    Egg Mask Method

    Apply egg white on the face and let it dry. Easily peel it off and the unwanted hair will come off with it. This might be a little bit of a painful method but an effective one for unwanted hair on legs and hands.

    Oatmeal And Banana Scrub Method

    Banana is a natural ingredient that helps to remove unwanted hair from the body. It helps in exfoliating the skin when mixed with oatmeal. The banana makes your skin soft and supple and oatmeal will act as the cleanser for your skin and both combined give unique and effective results.

    Choose these natural methods to remove unwanted body hair. These methods prove to be the best not only because these require you to use natural ingredients but are also readily available.

    The ingredients are mostly found at home and they contain beneficial natural chemicals which don’t have any negative effects on the body.

    If you still require a professional guidance, consult Apollo Cosmetics Clinic today.


  • Dermaroller: Home remedies and tips

    Dermarolling is a cosmetic process that was originally carried out only by dermatologists. In recent times, it has gained popularity because of its accessibility, effectiveness and relatively low-cost. People started using derma rollers at home to get clear and healthier skin. The procedure is simple enough to try at home with little training. However, you need to take some precautionary measures before and after doing so to ensure a proper recovery. You should be aware of the risk of infection and chemical complications before heading for the process.

    Tips on how to use a dermaroller

    To be able to use a dermaroller at home, without any professional guidance, you need to know how a dermaroller works and what to keep in mind while buying one. Dermarollers are relatively inexpensive and are available in different brands. For a dermaroller, the most distinguished feature is its needles. For a beginner with no professional supervision, it is recommended to use 0.5 mm, at which collagen release is prompted. The 3mm size is not recommended to try at home and is strictly confined to clinic purposes. Also, look for rollers equipped with 540 needles or more which are spaced out. If you’re buying it for the first time, then start your shopping online where you can find reliable customer reviews. This will help you choose the right dermaroller that suits your purpose.


    Once you are done choosing the dermaroller, it is time to learn about the mechanism. Before using the dermaroller, sterilize it with alcohol and wash it with warm water. Remember to clean your face well before working on it. You can watch video tutorials for better understanding.


    Applying a numbing cream before the procedure helps you perform the process with ease. There are many such creams available in the market or online that you can choose from. Before applying it on your face, try it on your hand to check for allergies. Do not leave the numbing cream for long on your face at it makes your skin over-sensitive.


    Once you are done with the procedure, make sure you sterilize the product and put it back in its holder. After the procedure, avoid strenuous activities and also avoid direct sun contact for long. Whenever you leave home, apply sunscreen lotion for protection.


    Another important tip is to never share your dermaroller with anyone. Sterilize it before and after every use.


    Home remedies for lasting effect of a dermaroller

    A dermaroller works wonders on the skin and makes it as fresh as new and beautiful. However, its effects do not last long if you fail to take care of your skin properly. What if we tell you we have some amazing home remedies that help you enjoy the super soft skin for long. There are many ingredients in and around your house that work like magic on your skin.


    Potatoes: Well, we all love potatoes in any form. They love us back too by protecting our skin in a natural way. Rub a potato slice on your scarred skin and leave it for a while. Let the juice of the potato sink into your skin. Wash it off with warm water and wait for those scars to disappear.


    Aloe vera: The beauty benefits of this magical plant are innumerable. The goodness of aloe vera improves the texture of your skin and brings a glow to your face. While many prefer to apply the gel on the skin, there are also people who consume the gel. You can do either, according to your comfort.


    Sugar: Never have we heard about the benefits of sugar to enhance beauty. But, here we are, revealing the truth. Sugar acts as a natural scrub for your skin. Mix it with lemon and virgin olive oil to get rid of dead skin and give way to the fresh and clear skin.


    Well, these are the tips and remedies to keep in mind whenever you are getting a dermaroller treatment done at home. While it is easy and accessible at home, professional help is always welcome.


    For best dermatologic treatment and care, visit Apollo Cosmetic Clinics

  • How quickly can you see chemical peel treatment results?

    Chemical peel results are usually quick and satisfactory. However, the results also depend on the depth of the peeling agent and the number of treatments. In this case, it is more the better. Depending on your skin type and other factors, you may have to get multiple treatments for the best results. In general, three treatments are recommended per year to maintain these results. Following the treatment, you need to take care of your skin by which you can enjoy your chemical peel results for longer.


    What is the process like?

    Chemical peel treatment is done by a medical professional who will follow certain necessary precautions. The chemical peels used by surgeons have a lower pH than home use products which penetrate much deeper into the skin and treat hyperpigmentation and acne. Hence, it is always advisable to get the procedure done by a medical esthetician for better and quicker results. The process includes applying an acid chemical solution. The solution starts peeling off over the course of a few days and continues until a few weeks. At times, the peel is removed by the surgeon after the process. During the process, you may feel stinging, burning, and even itching. They will stop once the peel is over. After the peeling process, you will experience the old or damaged skin coming off and the younger skin underneath will be revealed.


    The recovery process is also equally significant and requires great care. The skin becomes quite sensitive after the chemical peel. Whenever you are exposed to the sun, always apply sunscreen. Remember that the skin becomes dry and tight after the peel, which is common and nothing to be worried about. Keep your lotion and sunscreen handy.


    Who can get it done?

    Chemical peel is for everyone who wants to have clear and healthy skin free of all skin issues. However, there are a few exceptions based on your medical condition. People who have a tendency to scar, have autoimmune diseases like cancer, or have an open sore cannot get a chemical peel. This treatment is also not advisable for pregnant women or feeding mothers.


    What are the benefits?

    With minimum discomfort, chemical peel gives more benefits. Therefore, it is the most desired treatment for healthy and beautiful skin. This treatment helps in reducing freckles, melasma and age spots. It treats wrinkles, acne and acne scars, thereby allowing healthy skin to appear. Chemical peels improve the texture of your skin by increasing the cell turnover rate. Your skin starts holding more moisture and gives you a glow. The generation of collagen makes your skin scar-free, acne-free and also the fine lines are reduced. Based on your skin type, get multiple treatments to get an even-toned skin.

    If you’re looking to get chemical peel treatment for the first time, then it is always advisable to consult a specialist who can guide you through the process. While chemical peel treatment is for almost any skin type, it is mandatory to get the skin tested before proceeding with the surgery. Make a wise choice in choosing your clinic and doctor to avoid any complications.

    Visit Apollo Cosmetic Clinics which is equipped with the latest technology and experienced skin specialists who provide the best care. Based on your skin type, we treat you with the best of the chemical solutions. We also provide after peel treatment, which makes the recovery process smooth and quick.

  • 5 tips to maintain Liposuction results

    Often, there is that little pocket of flesh or excess loose fat that does not respond to regular exercise or diet and refuses to give up its place. It is demotivating for someone who hopes to get positive results by changing his or her lifestyle but is instead suffers from this stubborn problem. In such cases, one may resort to liposuction – a procedure that suctions out excess fat and changes the body’s contour.


    The different techniques of liposuction are:

    • Tumescent liposuction: A solution is injected into the target area and the combination of medicines in it minimize blood loss by shrinking the capillaries and also numb the area. Then the fat is suctioned out through a tube connected to a vacuum.


    • Laser-assisted lipoplasty: Laser energy removes the fat cells out. It makes the healing process easier.


    • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: Ultrasound energy breaks the fatty tissues and loosens them which makes surgery faster and easier.


    • Power-assisted liposuction: A tool is used to cut through the fat, which makes it easier to remove.

    Liposuction procedure is only for those who have fatty bulges in localised areas and good skin elasticity. The patient should be at a near-normal weight, and physically and mentally healthy.

    The aftermath

    Like any surgical procedure, liposuction comes with some complications such as injury to the skin or inner tissues, changes in the skin tone, risk of infection and clot formation and toxicity. This is why it is important to consult with Experts in the field and educate yourself about the procedure beforehand. In addition to taking precautions to keep these complications at bay, it is also necessary to stay in good general health so that the entire process doesn’t go in vain. Here are five tips to follow if you want to maintain the results of liposuction for a considerable period of time – even for a lifetime.

    Tips to follow

    • Maintain a stable weight through regular exercise even after the fat removal. If you gain weight after the procedure, the body stores the fat in other places, changing the shape of the body.
    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water balances your body fluids and controls calories, keeping weight in check.
    • Follow a healthy diet and avoid fats and sugars. Eat more fruits and vegetables and less salt. Add starchy carbohydrates and lean proteins to the diet.  Never skip meals, because it increases fat storing enzymes and decreases metabolism.
    • Reduce stress, which can be a major factor in weight gain. Stress can lead to food cravings and binge eating, which leads to higher levels of insulin and increases fat storage. Stay positive and calm and avoid stressful situations.
    • Follow the cosmetic surgeon’s advice. After the procedure, it is compulsory to wear a compression garment that reduces swelling and helps the body adjust to its new shape. Also, do not strain your body after the procedure and give it enough time to heal.


    The key is to keep up the enthusiasm even after your body seems to be in perfect shape, following liposuction. For permanent results, continue having an active, healthy lifestyle as you did before the procedure. Health is not a one-time investment and consistent commitment can go a long way in maintaining the results of liposuction.

    For the safest liposuction procedures and for proper after-procedure care and guidance, book an appointment with the Experts at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic here.

  • Breast Reconstruction options after a Mastectomy

    A mastectomy is a surgery that removes one or both breasts of a woman who has been diagnosed with or runs a high risk of getting breast cancer. Apart from the trauma of the illness as well as the surgery, it can be extremely disturbing to entirely give up a part of one’s body. In such a case, breast reconstruction is an option to fall back on.

    What are the types of breast reconstruction surgeries?

    Breast reconstruction involves the creation of a breast shape using an artificial implant and/or a piece of tissue from another part of the body.

    Implant Reconstruction

    Breast implantation uses implants filled with silicone gel or saltwater to lend shape to the artificial breasts. It is done immediately after breast removal, or after some delay. It requires two or more operations, usually done by a plastic surgeon.

    What are the risks?

    The following conditions may accompany breast implantation and might require further surgery:

    • Asymmetry in the appearance of the breasts
    • Changes in breast sensation
    • Rupture or deflation of the implants
    • Poor healing of incisions sometimes leading to scar tissue that squeezes the implant
    • Pain, bleeding, and infection
    • A rare immune system cancer called ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma)

    Flap Reconstruction

    In this method, the shape of the breast is formed using a flap tissue. The surgeons usually take it from the belly, buttocks, thighs or the back. Unlike implants, this tissue flap lasts a lifetime. The flap can be completely detached from its original blood vessels and moved to the chest, or can remain attached to its blood vessels and simply moved under the skin. This, too, can be done immediately or delayed as required.

    What are the benefits and risks?

     Flap reconstructions help in tolerating radiation therapy better than artificial implants. In addition, the size of the flap reconstruction will increase or decrease according to changes in the body.

    However, like the implantation procedure, flap reconstruction also almost always requires later adjustments through surgery – whether for nipple reconstruction, reshaping or repositioning. Also, the healing process after surgery involves two to four body areas healing at the same time – the receptor sites and the donor sites.


    Breast reconstruction will not make the body look exactly as it was before, nor will it restore the sensation in the breasts. But it does a lot to improve body image and to help one deal with the aftermath of treatment.

    It is advisable an experienced surgeon before going ahead with the procedure. For instance, a surgeon tells you that it is easier to recover from a mastectomy and that delayed reconstruction also heals faster than immediate reconstruction.

    Visit your nearest Apollo Cosmetic Clinic for more information on breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

  • Natural remedies for a better Rhinoplasty recovery

    Rhinoplasty is a surgery performed on the nose to improve its function or change its shape.

    It is sometimes done for medical reasons, like correcting breathing problems related to the nose or to correct disfigurement resulting from birth defects or trauma.

    It is also done for cosmetic reasons, to change the nose’s appearance and shape.

    The procedure is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning there is no need for an overnight stay. You will be administered a general or local anaesthesia. With a general anaesthesia, you’ll be able to sleep through the operation. With local anaesthesia, you will be sedated and the nose will be numbed so that you are completely relaxed and cannot feel the pain.

    After a Rhinoplasty, you will be required to wear a nasal splint for the first week. You can expect some bruising and swelling around the eyes after the procedure. This will slowly begin to fade away after the third day. The total period of recovery can last up to two weeks.

    The nose will swell a little, probably so minimally that most people won’t even notice. This swelling will reduce and eventually disappear over the next six months. The final, improved shape of the nose will be fully apparent after the healing process is completed.

    It is advised to avoid all strenuous activities for three to six weeks post-surgery. You can return to your regular social activities within two to three weeks after the surgery without any recognizable signs of the procedure.

    Here are some natural remedies, which will help with a smoother recovery process:

    1. Stay hydrated: Hydration promotes healthy circulation and boosts your immune system, thus accelerating the healing process.
    2. Cold compress: This process reduces swelling. Place bags of ice or frozen peas over your eyes or cheekbones, but not directly over the nose.
    3. Lifestyle: Choose a diet plan comprised of foods to reduce inflammation, such as; tomatoes, spinach, walnuts, berries, oranges and fatty fish. Also take regular walks, which helps in better circulation.
    4. Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps to reduce scarring. A light massage into the area of the incision is helpful. Vitamin E is found in several products, the most common of which is Calendula liquid.
    5. Listen to your body: Rest when you feel tired, do not strain your body too much. Your body knows what is best for you and will always send you signals.
    6. Smoking and alcohol: Avoid smoking and alcohol, for a considerable time, both before and after the surgery. Consult with your surgeon regarding how long you should abstain from them.

    Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure and is performed in two ways, Open Rhinoplasty or Closed Rhinoplasty. An Open Rhinoplasty is needed for more advanced procedures, where it is necessary for the surgeon to make an incision in the strip of skin between the nostrils. In a Closed Rhinoplasty, the incisions are made inside the nose. The recovery time for a Closed Rhinoplasty is around a week, while in the case of an Open Rhinoplasty, you may have to wait over two weeks to completely get back to your regular routine.

    It is always advisable to consult with experienced specialists, which helps minimize risks and assists in a speedy, comfortable recovery. Reach out to some of the most experienced and trusted surgeons at an Apollo Cosmetic Clinic near you.

  • How to get rid of man boobs – 10 Tips – Best chest exercises


    Man boobs, also known as moobs, are an enlargement of breast tissues. Enlargement happens due to increased intake of foods and chemicals that boost estrogen levels. In some cases, the enlargement can be due to a medical condition called Clinical Gynecomastia. Otherwise, the enlargement is a consequence of puberty or being overweight. More than physical discomfort, the condition can lead to psychological issues, such as low self-esteem. Males tend to develop man boobs in three stages- Neonatal period, teenage and old age.


    Developing man boobs during puberty is very common and usually goes away once entered into adulthood. The problem is not difficult to tackle and can go away with the help of an active lifestyle. However, if the problem still persists, one should consult for medical help.


    Here are 10 ways, including the best chest exercises, that can help you get rid of man boobs.


    1- Watch your plate- Eat three well balanced and healthy meals every day. Choose foods that are rich in iron and high in protein. Leafy greens in form of salads and sautes are good to go. Be careful with what you add for dressing. Have green tea instead of other sweetened beverages.


    2- Check for body fat percentage- Human breasts are made of lipids(fat). Hence, it is important to control the intake of fat. Start following a low-fat diet. If you continue eating high-calorie foods after the workout, you don’t see any significant difference as you gain back those calories.


    3- Focus more on strength and less on cardio- Strength training breaks the tissues and live growth to new ones. After strength training, the recovery process burns more calories as it takes more strength to build new muscle tissues. The end result of strength training is a nice toned body.


    4- Focus on the chest but follow a total body approach- While the main concern is to get rid of excess fat on the chest, it is always recommended to do a full body workout. Full body workout has major compound exercises which lead to strength and muscle gains. This helps in gaining a perfect structured body. Full body movements also help you lay down solid strength base.


    Chest exercises to get rid of man boobs

    1- Pushups- Push-ups target your chest muscles. Start with your knees and hands and then add new variations. Military pushup, chest squeeze pushup, archer pushup gives new challenges to your chest.


    2- Planks- Doing regular planks can help you get noticeable difference on your chest fat. Start by doing 60 seconds of plank and keep increasing the intensity after few days. Within no time you will see results. Stay dedicated and ensure not missing out on your planks and you will certainly cut down your chest fat and build muscles.

    3- Wall Press- This is comparatively an easy exercise for fat reduction. It works on the pectoral muscles which are located behind the breasts and support them. For this exercise, all you need is a wall. Face the wall and place your arms on it. Now bend your elbows and lean your chest towards the wall as much as you can without arching your back. After five seconds, get back to the normal position.


    4- Push-up Burpees- This exercise is a great mix of cardio and strength training. It also focuses on the chest and helps you lose fat quickly. Do it regularly and you will soon notice a firm and muscular chest.


    5- Kettlebell Swing – Workout with your kettlebell two times a week and you will the aesthetics of your chest taking an attractive shape.

    6- One arm row-  Three supersets of one arm row, three times a week can help your firm up your chest and get rid of man boobs.


    Man boobs can also be treated with the help of Gynecomastia surgery. It’s a cosmetic surgery in which liposuction is performed on the breast to suck out the excess fat under the breast tissue so that they lose their swollen look. Another plastic surgery that can help you get rid of man boobs by removing the breast gland is mastectomy. In rare cases, gynecomastia may be a sign of breast cancer in men. That is why it’s always better to get gynecomastia checked and corrected by a doctor. To get in touch with the best cosmetologists and experienced plastic surgeons, book an appointment at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics.


  • Difference Between Gynecomastia and Chest Fat

    Male breasts sometimes referred to as man boobs, are a collection of fat on a man’s chest. The growth in the breast tissue can either be due to fat accumulation in the chest or due to an imbalance in testosterone and estrogen. Development of breast tissues due to hormonal imbalance is a medical condition known as gynecomastia.

    Breast tissues, in males as well as females, respond to hormones. In case of males, the breast tissues remain small because of high testosterone levels. When the growth of testosterone gets low or the level of estrogen increases, the breast tissues responds by growing resulting in male breasts.

    It’s important to know that there’s a difference between excess weight in the chest and diagnosed gynecomastia, so look for the signs of breast tissue and see your doctor for treatment options. The condition when fatty tissue builds up on the chest wall in the area behind the nipple is called pseudogynecomastia.

    The main difference between the Gynecomastia and Pseudogynecomastia (chest fat)


    Difference between gynecomastia and chest fat


    Chest fat is very common for men who are overweight. Chances of fat accumulation on the chest are high if you are obese and have a high body-fat percentage. If the other body parts have an excess of fat accumulation, it is obvious that the same would be found on the chest area.

    Fat accumulation on the chest is easily noticeable and is particularly obvious. If a person is of slim built or has a good body muscle percentage, then chances of pseudogynecomastia or chest fat are very low.

    Gynecomastia is common during puberty. Young boys go through frequent hormonal imbalance during this time which can lead to the development of male breasts. In the old age, when testosterone levels are low, people can have gynecomastia. Other causes of gynecomastia are

    • Medication
    • Recreational drugs
    • Steroids
    • Genetic disorders


    How to know if you have gynecomastia or fat deposition

    Examining your chest can help you identify the difference between gynecomastia and chest fat. The diagnosis can be made when one notices swelling in the breast area.

    The nipples start to point out and the area behind and around the nipples becomes prominent. Spreading of the breast swelling causes male breasts.

    There is a noticeable difference between chest fat deposits and breast tissues. Fat accumulated chest also looks like breasts but is soft and also saggy due to extra skin.

    Male breasts caused due to gynecomastia are firmer and look more like a woman’s breasts.

    Another way to feel your chest and look for a hard lump in the chest area. Gynecomastia is sometimes be diagnosed by a lump formed under the nipples that grow into looking like a breast.

    If you find a lump it can be a symptom of gynecomastia. It is also important to contact a doctor as it can be a rare form of breast cancer in men.

    Another sign of gynecomastia or man boobs is puffy and erect nipples. The excess of female hormones i.e estrogen in the body can make nipples erect and swollen.

    The swollen is sometimes obvious even undershirts and t-shirts. Therefore, in order to identify gynecomastia, examine your nipples.

    If you cannot self-diagnose and identify the difference between gynecomastia and chest fat, you can take help from a doctor. The doctor can carry out tests, usually, an ultrasound scan of the chest wall, to diagnose gynecomastia.


    Getting rid of gynecomastia and chest fat

    The swelling and enlargement of the chest is an embarrassment for every man and can have negative psychological effects. To tackle the problem it is important to know the difference.

    Once you know the difference you can work towards getting rid of the problem.

    Chest fat is easier to get rid of in comparison to gynecomastia. Making chest fat go away is simple if you have the determination and dedication. The best way to lose the chest fat is by losing weight.

    Adapt healthy methods to lose weight and within no time you will have a flat muscular chest. Sign up for a weight loss program that will help you lose fat from the chest wall and reduce the fat and swelling.

    Start a workout routine at home or join a fitness and workout centre.  Avoid taking pills and creams as they can have negative side-effects. 


    Getting rid of gynecomastia can be difficult. Teenagers who suffer from gynecomastia can get rid of the problem after a few years when the hormone level settles down.

    It is important to regularly exercise and incorporate a healthy meal plan to improve hormonal balance. Diet and exercise will help reduce the fatty component and improve the appearance.

    If you take any kind of recreational drugs and have man boobs, it is recommended to stop immediately. It is will help you get rid of the swelling around the chest and nipples.

    The issue might also be due to consumption of any prescribed drugs. If you can identify this cause, then you can opt for alternative medication. It is important to discuss the case with an expert. Male breast surgery is the best possible treatment one can opt for gynecomastia.

    Telling the difference can be tricky sometimes but understanding the difference will help determine the best way to get rid of the swelling. When opting for surgery, ensure you take the services of a quality cosmetic and surgery clinic.   

    To get in touch with the best cosmetologists and experienced plastic surgeons, book an appointment at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics.

  • What makes you eligible for Rhinoplasty?

    Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure meant to correct or enhance your nose by adjusting any nasal flaws. It is important for both, patients and doctors, to identify the reasons for undertaking the surgery and determine the suitable conditions for the same.

    Some of the most common reasons people opt for a Rhinoplasty are:

    • Bulbous tip nose
    • Crooked Nose
    • Narrow nose
    • Nostril collapse
    • Asymmetric tip
    • High bridge
    • Droopy nose
    • Upturned Nose
    • Deviated septum
    • Wide/flaring nostrils
    • Broken Nose
    • Dorsal hump
    • Low bridge
    • Wide nose

    Two factors, primarily, play an important role in determining eligibility for Rhinoplasty:

    The psychological well-being of the patient and their medical history. It is important for the patient to clearly explain the nasal problems that they are facing and be completely open and honest with the surgeon.

    They are expected to give a detailed history of their past medication and must not fail to mention any kind of medicine or drug that they may have consumed, along with the relevant prescriptions.

    The psychological condition of the patients will also be analysed to determine the motive for undergoing the surgery, beyond doubt.

    It is important to have realistic expectations about what the rhinoplasty surgery can accomplish. Prospective patients, who express interest in going for a nasal surgery, are carefully assessed, to ensure that they are physically and emotionally prepared to undergo this cosmetic procedure.

    Prior to the surgery, patients will need to undergo a complete physical test, to ensure that the candidate is physically stable enough to undergo and tolerate the physiological stresses associated with nose surgery.

    Through this examination, every physical problem of the candidate is detected and, in many cases, a consultation with an anesthesiologist is also conducted, if the candidate’s medical data demands it.

    Prospective patients also need to get certain facial and nasal testing done, where their type of the skin, the symmetry of the aesthetic nasal subunits and any visible scar marks are properly evaluated.

    The nasal examination is conducted both, internally and externally: upper, middle and lower section. The structures of these sections; the correct nasal angle measure, which determines the angle at which the nose projects from the face; as well the physical features of the nasofacial tissues, are specifically analysed during this medical examination.

    The purpose of the internal examination is to determine the condition of the nasal septum, the internal and external nasal valves, the turbinate and the nasal lining. Candidates will need to clear all these specific tests, before being cleared for surgery.

    Once the prospective patients clear all the above stages of examinations, there is another pre-surgical evaluation, during which some other specific tests, such as the mirror test, vasoconstriction examinations and the Cottle manoeuvre are conducted.

    Cottle manoeuvre is a technique used to detect an internal nasal-valve disorder. In this procedure, while the candidates gently inhale, the surgeon pulls their cheeks laterally and simulates the widening of the cross-sectional area of the respective internal nasal valve. While doing so, if this movement helps the patient’s inspiration, it is considered a positive result.

    A prospective patient will be declared eligible for Rhinoplasty, only after the final phase of medical tests is successfully completed. During these medical tests and examinations, surgeons also get a good understanding of the specific nasal areas.

    They also become aware of the specific nasal problems faced by the patient which helps them come up with suitable solutions to provide the necessary relief.

    Eligibility criteria for rhinoplasty surgery

    Some other useful information regarding Rhinoplasty:

    1. Avoid the sun: Rhinoplasty involves separating the skin from the bone and cartilage underneath. Exposure to sunlight may cause the development of scar tissue or could complicate the healing process in other ways. To avoid scarring and to ensure the best results, you should take care to avoid exposing your nose to sunlight following your surgery.
    2. Post-op recovery: Post-operative recovery will take between 1 to 2 weeks. After that, you will, under normal circumstances, be able to return to work and your other daily activities. Avoid strenuous exercises and movements until your doctor gives you a go-ahead.
    3. Is Rhinoplasty painful: Normally, a general anaesthesia is administered during the surgery, so you will not be conscious of any pain. Pain medication is prescribed, as needed, during the recovery period. The range in the experience of pain among rhinoplasty patients is highly varied. It is always advisable to stick to the medication prescribed by the doctor. Anti-inflammatory medications work differently from narcotic painkillers, by reducing swelling and improving blood flow in the region.

    It is always advisable to consult with experienced specialists, which helps minimize risks and assists in a speedy, comfortable recovery. Reach out to some of the most experienced and trusted surgeons at an Apollo Cosmetic Clinics near you.

  • What is Liposuction – Process and Steps

    Liposuction procedure is a method whereby fatty tissue is removed from a specific part of the body. Generally, people with a stable weight decide to undergo the liposuction procedure to treat fat deposits that persist despite changes in diet and exercise. Liposuction is accomplished under local or general anesthesia. It depends on the number of parts that will be treated and can be carried out either in the doctor’s office or a surgical facility.


    There are three fundamental steps in a Liposuction procedure. First, the pre-operative phase, followed by the Liposuction procedure or the operation itself and finally, the post-operative and liposuction recovery time.


    1. Pre-operative phase


    Before starting the Liposuction procedure, there are several consultations with a medical specialist, who will conduct various tests to see if you are suitable for the procedure. This is important to avoid any liposuction side effects. Some of which are:


    The patient must be over 18 years of age. Also, you cannot be pregnant nor be breastfeeding. It is also not advisable for people who have recently had surgery, as it can encourage liposuction side effects.


    A detailed and exhaustive check of your medical history:

    Surgery is only undertaken when the patient does not have any disease or health problem. Example: The patient should not suffer from any cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or problems with the immune system and should not be allergic to the anesthesia that will be used.


    1. Liposuction procedure


    After the approval of the doctor, a date and time for the surgery will be set. The duration of the procedure will be between 1 to 3 hours, depending on the area to be operated upon and the amount of fat to be eliminated.


    Anesthesia is applied in the area where the surgical operation is to be performed. It can be a local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, general anesthesia or regional anesthesia (epidural). These last two are rarely used since the areas and amount to be removed in Liposuction is generally small, and the risk is much lower.


    During the process, physiological saline is infiltrated. This is a Siberian component added to the adrenaline. It helps to have a vasoconstrictor effect. It is of great help because it facilitates the removal of the fat through the cannulas.


    The extraction of fat in the body is done with cannulas, extremely thin tubes designed for surgical interventions. Specialists advise that the approximate average fat extraction is between 2 and 5 liters of fat with Liposuction, depending on the zones. For more fat extraction, doctors recommend a second operation after recovering from the first one, depending on the results. Remember that Liposuction is mainly aesthetic in nature.


    1. Liposuction results, Post-Operative and Recovery Process


    At the end of the operation, if the intervention has been in an area with little fat extraction, the patient can go directly home to continue the recovery. In case of more substantial interventions, it is advisable, as a precautionary measure, to spend the first night in the clinic to rest and monitor the progress.


    Recovery time depends on the patient. However, one can carry out daily activities,a week after the intervention. A gap of at least one month is advisable to be able to perform activities that require greater physical effort.


    During the first month, the bandaged area is wrapped with a pressotherapy garment (it is a kind of belt that covers the intervened area, subjecting it and adjusting it correctly). In turn, the doctor can prescribe a series of analgesics and antibiotics to counteract any post-operative discomfort. It is normal for the treated area to be inflamed, with few bruises. With proper treatment and the use of lymphatic drainage to remove the remaining fat and blood, they will disappear quickly. Remember that you do not get the sun until the area is completely healed.


    The Liposuction results are fantastic, and the targeted fat deposits are permanently eliminated.  Body weight should be maintained for optimal results and to lead a healthy life.

    To consult with the top experts on Liposuction, book an appointment at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic today.

  • Things to consider before having a Hair Transplant

    Hair is one of the most visible parts of a human being, which connects many psychological aspects with the fact that sometimes hair loss can also cause personality-related problems in an individual. Recovering hair can mean restoring confidence and increasing self-esteem. 

    However, hair transplant is a delicate procedure that requires the follow-up of a series of pre and post-operative recommendations that are discussed with the patient and delivered in writing for timely compliance. These guidelines are essential to achieving optimal results.

    Things to consider before having a hair transplant

    So, if you are planning to get a hair transplant, here are some factors you should consider, before and after a hair transplant:

    1) Take into account the genetics of hair loss that exists in your family

    Notice how your relatives, who are in the vicinity of 50 and 60, look. If you are in your 20s or 30s and you see anything in common with them with regard to the way your baldness is proceeding, you can have a better understanding about the pattern of your hair loss in future.

    The above is essential, as you may require extra transplants to cover the regions where you will continue losing hair. Else, you will wind up with patches of baldness.

    2) Optimum recovery time

    The recovery is quick and discreet. Between seven and fourteen days after the hair transplant, you can resume your ordinary life. In addition to the indicated care, we also recommend not consuming alcohol or any other related product for 48 hours and not smoking during these days.

    However, the final results of a hair transplant process require time and patience. Hair growth can be seen after the third month, and after 8 or 9 months after the intervention, the results are entirely visible.

    3) Is it painful to go for a hair transplant process? Is hair transplant safe?

    Hair transplant is neither painful nor unsafe, especially if done by experienced specialists, using the latest in surgical technology.

    4)  How long is a transplant session?
    It depends on the session a cosmetic clinic performs. However, in general, the complete hair transplant process should last between 4 to 5 hours.

    5) Is there an age limit for these interventions?

    There is no age limit for the hair transplant process as long as the patient has good health and a good donor, both in thickness and in the hair standards.

    However, although the age window for hair transplantation spans from 18 to 80 years, most surgeons propose, in the case of men, to get it done between the ages of 30 and 40, for the reason that it is viable to predict the future progress of alopecia. While in young people less than 30 years of age, hair loss is not stable.

    6) What is the successful outcome rate in these procedures? Is hair transplant permanent?

    It is considered that the survival rate of transplanted grafts is greater than 95% in androgenic alopecia. Meanwhile, in cicatricial alopecia, it may be less but the improvement in these cases is still very evident for the patient. Highly qualified and experienced personnel are key to the success of a hair transplant.

    7)  Do the results look natural?

    Yes. Achieving maximum buoyancy and density possible in the alopecic areas with a natural aesthetic is always the goal of a reliable medical team. You can consult the clinical cases and check the results to understand the final results.

    Click here to book an appointment with a leading hair transplant professional, or follow this link to learn more about the procedure.

  • What is Gynecomastia? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Cost

    In 2016, the Oxford Dictionary officially included the word “moobs” to its ranks. This reflects that the incidences of man breasts (mobs) or gynecomastia are on the rise. Gynecomastia is a medical condition where fat gets accumulated under the breast tissue of males leading to swollen breasts or breasts like that of a woman. Is this normal? Let’s find out.

    Why are some boys/men prone to gynecomastia?

    An average male is at the risk of having gynecomastia during infancy, puberty and during the age range of 50 to 70 years. The reason being hormonal changes – either testosterone (male sexual hormone) levels go down or estrogen (female sexual hormone) levels go beyond the normal range. During babyhood and teenage, these hormonal fluctuations are natural and the levels get back to normal within 6 months to 2 years. If not, then the breasts might need medical attention.

    Apart from aging and normal growth processes, here are the other reasons and causes of gynecomastia:

    • Testicular injury or disease that reduces testosterone.
    • Thyroid disorders can alter the levels of testosterone and estrogen because thyroid regulates the sex hormones in the body.
    • Cancer of the pituitary or adrenal glands can distort the testosterone levels, as under normal conditions the pituitary prompts the testicles to produce testosterone while the exterior portion of the adrenal adds to the testosterone count.
    • Obesity shrinks the levels of a protein called SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) that is crucial for circulating testosterone.
    • Consuming illicit drugs and hallucinogens can drastically hamper the hormonal balance.
    • Kidney and liver diseases. An unhealthy kidney can’t help in the production of testosterone, while an unhealthy liver may lose its capacity to keep the estrogen levels in check.
    • Alcohol consumption has a double impact. While the ethanol in alcohol impairs the testosterone-estrogen balance, the phytoestrogens in alcohol, increase the estrogen levels.
    • The side-effects of certain medications like those meant for cancer, ulcer, anti-anxiety, etc.

    What are the symptoms of gynecomastia?

    • Lumpy or fatty effect under the nipples that give the breasts an enlarged look.
    • Even or uneven bulge in both or either of the breasts.
    • Firm and rubbery feel in either of the breasts
    • Sensitivity or tenderness in either of the breasts (consult the doctor immediately in this case)

    What are the treatments for gynecomastia?

    To treat the root cause of gynecomastia the following can be helpful:

    • Testosterone replacement if gynecomastia is due to low testosterone levels.
    • Substituting the medications that caused the hormonal imbalance. This should be done by your doctor.

    To reduce the breast enlargement the following surgical methods can be fruitful if required:

    • Gynecomastia surgery: it’s a cosmetic surgery in which liposuction is performed on the breast to suck out the excess fat under the breast tissue so that they lose their swollen look.
    • Mastectomy: a plastic surgery in which the breast gland or tissues itself are removed.

    These are out-patient surgeries and will lead to limited scarring. Depending on your case, the cost of a gynecomastia surgery can range from 50,000 to 80,000 INR.

    Although gynecomastia is mostly not dangerous or fatal and a condition that goes away with time, it can lead to psychological disturbances like lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, stress, embarrassment, etc. In rare cases, gynecomastia may be a sign of breast cancer in men. That is why it’s always better to get gynecomastia checked and corrected by a doctor. To get in touch with the best cosmetologists and experienced plastic surgeons, book an appointment at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics.

  • Liposuction: Everything You Need To Know About It

    Having a beautiful body is not only about shedding weight. It’s also about having a well sculpted and aesthetically contoured body. Thanks to liposuction, you can get that perfect dream body with ease. Before you decide to go for liposuction here’s a comprehensive list of all the facts that you should know about the procedure.

    Everything you need to know about liposuction:

    1. It is a cosmetic procedure:

      Liposuction is essentially a cosmetic surgery that removes fat up to a limited amount only. Though it is a medical procedure, it cannot serve as a substitute for a drastic weight loss regime. It’s only meant to remove fat cells from places where exercise and diet fail to show any results. The standard amount of fat that can be removed in one sitting is almost 5 kilograms, but this limit can be increased depending on your Body Mass Index (BMI). The higher the BMI the more fat can be removed.

    2. Parts of the body that are ideal for liposuction:

      Liposuction is performed on the abdomen, chest, buttocks, back, upper arms, thighs, and calves. This surgery is mostly recommended for areas that have a lot of mass or are comparatively more fibrous.

    3. Time frame:

      It is an out-patient surgery. You can return home on the same day the procedure is conducted. The surgery will last for 1 to 4 hours depending on the amount of fat to be removed. You can get back to all your normal activities within 2 weeks.

    4.  Types of procedures:

      1. The most common technique is tumescent liposuction. In this procedure, incisions are made on the body part from which fat has to be removed. Through the cuts, a saline solution is sent in with the help of a tube called a cannula to ease the process. Then a surgical vacuum or syringe is attached to the tube to literally suck out the fat cells.
      2. Dry liposuction: this procedure is almost the same as above except for the fact that no liquid is injected, which can lead to more scarring.
      3. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: ultrasound melts down the fat for easily.
      4. Power-assisted liposuction: mechanized equipment melts down the fat by causing friction as it moves back and forth rapidly in the incisions.
    5. Additional benefits:

      1. Treats lymphedema – a condition where the lymph fluid starts accumulating in the arms and legs. Liposuction removes excessive lymph fluid and reduces the swelling.
      2. Treats gynecomastia – liposuction removes the excess fat found under men’s breasts.
      3. Removes lipomas – benign tumors or lumps made of fat.
      4. Corrects lipodystrophy syndrome – a disorder when the body is unable to maintain or distribute fat in the body in an even manner. This leads to some parts being bulkier than other parts of the body.
    6. Liposuction only removes fat:

      It does not remove cellulite (a type of fat that occurs in the hips and legs that makes the skin appear lumpy or rippled) and stretch marks. It’s also not a treatment for obesity.

    A reputed cosmetic clinic like Apollo Cosmetic Clinics gives you guaranteed results and minimum bruising and swelling. Our experts understand that everybody’s body and its needs are unique. They will thoroughly examine you and suggest the best  solution depending on your medical status. Your dream body is only an appointment away.

  • Useful Home Remedies to get rid of Warts

    Warts are a very common yet harmless skin disease. They are mostly round in shape, pea sized or even smaller, thick, and hard. Since warts are a growth on the skin, they are prominently visible which can make you look ugly or can be a cause of embarrassment. Apart from distorting your looks, warts are also contagious and can spread to people around you as it is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Here are some safe, time-tested useful home remedies to get rid of warts.

    These home remedies or natural remedies for wart removal can work on any type of wart. Depending on their location, the appearances of the warts vary. Plantar warts occur on the feet due to too much walking or standing. These warts can cause discomfort and pain especially if they appear on the sole of the feet. Filiform warts emerge on the face – at the edges of the mouth, eyes, etc. – and are slightly spiky. Warts can also sprout in the genitals and can spread through sexual contact. Most of all, before following any of these home remedies, it is best to get your warts checked by an expert. If deemed normal, you can try some of these home remedies.

    Banana Peels

    1. Take the peel of a ripe yellow banana.
    2. With a knife, cut out a piece of the peel, big enough to cover the entire wart.
    3. With the inner skin of the banana peel towards the wart, tape it onto your skin.
    4. Keep changing the peel from time to time.

    The enzymes in peel will attack the wart. The wart shall fall off within 2 weeks.

    Essential Oils  

    1. Select an essential oil of your choice, be it tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, lemon etc.
    2. Warm the oil slightly (optional)
    3. Apply the oil on the wart and massage well
    4. Apply at least 3 times in a day

    These oils are nothing but natural oil extracts of beneficial herbs and plants like tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, lemon, etc. These plants are known for their therapeutic value and their oils are a treasure of anti-septic properties in a concentrated form. Apart from applying daily, also continue to apply it for a while even after the wart has fallen off, to prevent it from re-emerging.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    1. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 2:1 ratio.
    2. Soak a cotton ball in it and squeeze out the excess.
    3. Before going to sleep, tape the cotton ball over the wart with the help of a bandage.
    4. Repeat this every night.

    You can follow this even in the day time if it doesn’t cause much soreness or tingling sensation. The wart is likely fall off in 7 to 14 days. The acidic nature of vinegar attacks the hard skin of the wart and finally eradicates it.


    1. Take a garlic clove and crush it
    2. Apply this thick paste on the wart, and secure a bandage for the pieces to stick to the skin
    3. Leave it on for 30 minutes
    4. Remove this and wash the area

    The anti-viral and anti-bacterial nature of this spice will cause the wart to dry, blister and fall off. What gives garlic this wart removal power is the presence of the compound allicin. If you don’t relish the overwhelming smell of garlic and want quicker results, then you can instead consume 3 to 4 garlic cloves, or garlic capsules daily till the wart is gone.

    Vitamin C Tablets


    • Crush a vitamin C tablet
    • Mix it with a dash of lemon juice until they blend into a fine paste
    • Massage the paste over the wart covering it thoroughly
    • Repeat this daily for at least 2 weeks


    Vitamin C is a nutrient that helps boost your immune system and fight infections. This very anti-viral nature of Vitamin C can help you get rid of warts, even when used externally.

    White Vinegar and Baking Soda

    1. Take a tablespoon of white vinegar
    2. Mix it with sufficient amount of baking soda to make a thick paste
    3. Add some castor oil (optional)
    4. Apply this blend twice daily – once in the morning and once in the night

    Some warts are very thick and hard. To get rid of such tough and stubborn warts, the concoction of white vinegar and baking soda is the best. You can also add some castor oil as it is anti-inflammatory and may reduce any swelling or disturbance on the skin caused due to the otherwise acidic paste of vinegar and baking soda.


    1. Apply lots of honey on the wart- fill the wart entirely with a thick coat of honey
    2. Leave this for a few minutes/overnight until honey seems absorbed by the wart

    This sweet syrup is acidic and anti-septic. Its thick consistency and lack of moisture makes it difficult for air to enter the wart when applied. This blocks the oxygen, causing the wart virus to fade away.

    Diet Recommendations

    You can get rid of warts not only with the help of external agents but also with the help consuming the right foods.

    • Since warts are a form of an infection, eating more of vitamin C rich foods like citric fruits can boost your body’s ability to fight the wart virus.
    • Adding green leafy vegetables to your meals means enhancing you Vitamin A intake which results in greater immunity.
    • Also nourish yourself with zinc rich foods like nuts, spinach, meats, pumpkin seeds, etc. Plus, consuming probiotic foods like yogurt and milk can also help you. They help generating good bacteria in the body to fight germs and diseases better.

    A combination of such dietary agents plus external home remedies can help you get rid of warts better.

    Most of the times, these home remedies prove to be really helpful especially with their added advantage of minimal side-effects. However, if the warts recur quite often or are situated at really inconvenient spots, then it’s better to consult a doctor. Such stubborn warts can only be removed with medical intervention. Also genital warts can sometime be seen as an early sign of cervical cancer among women. In case you have been suffering from warts for long, then consult a skin specialist at the earliest. A wart can also be a hidden form of cancer.

    To get in touch with the best dermatologist near you, book an appointment now at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics. Chennai’s top skin specialists at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics are trained to treat the rarest of wart cases. Know more here.

  • The Secrets and Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation

    With pollution, age and hormonal changes, your skin eventually loses its elasticity, glow, firmness and spotless appearance. External agents like beauty creams and home remedies may be of little help as they can’t penetrate deep into the skin to repair the damaged cells. That is why, depending on your age and/or the severity of the damage, skin rejuvenation and skin revival can be achieved with the help of professional help. Attain a flawless and youthful skin with expert skin solutions from our cosmeticians and plastic surgeons.

    The most common and recommended solution for skin rejuvenation is skin resurfacing. So how do different skin surfacing methods benefit you?  What are the facts or secrets you have to keep in mind while going for a skin resurfacing procedure? Read on.

    The benefits of skin rejuvenation and skin resurfacing:

    • Tightens the skin and adds volume

    If you suffer from wrinkles and saggy skin due to lack of elasticity, then dermal fillers can help you. It’s a fairly pain-free skin rejuvenating procedure where skin-friendly solutions are injected into the areas of the skin which need to look fuller. By adding volume to the parts missing substance, the skin naturally stretches, evening out wrinkle lines. The result is a smooth texture and well-contoured face.

    • Removes dark spots, blemishes and sun damage

    Certain stubborn marks need an equally strong remedy. This is where chemical peels prove to be helpful. In this skin resurfacing method, safe and tested chemicals or acids are applied on the skin. The idea is to destroy the upper layers of the skin completely to allow a new and better skin layer to replace it. This way, chemical peels ensure a brighter, clearer and spot-free skin.

    • Reduces red and prominent veins

    Varicose veins not only distort your skin tone with their reddish-blue tint but also make your skin look bumpy and deformed. To correct this, sclerotherapy can help to a certain extent.  In this skin rejuvenation procedure, a chemical injected into the spider veins destroys the lining of these veins. This helps the vein to shrink and reduces its redness allowing you to wear all those dresses that you couldn’t due to the presence of varicose veins either in your arms or legs.

    • Removes dullness and softens your skin

    Skin rejuvenation treatments like dermabrasion are useful in polishing your skin and removing dead skin cells. A machine with tiny particles attached to its tip, is propelled on your skin surface which scrapes off dirt and dead skin from the depths of the pores.

    • Removes acne and other scars

    Chemical peels and other less intensive methods are used for lighter scars and marks. For deeper scars and prominent wrinkles, your doctor may suggest a laser skin resurfacing. In this method laser or light beams penetrate into the skin, destroying the outer surface of the skin. This removes any flaws on the skin. The heat generated from the laser activates the inner layers of the skin and encourages the growth of collagen – the protein responsible for the regeneration of a fresh and clearer layer of skin. Another option for skin resurfacing is micro needling – minute needles create tiny holes in the skin (deliberate wounds), giving a chance for the skin to repair itself properly. In this process, new, flawless skin is developed, much similar to the case of new skin after a general wound.

    Some other Secrets benefits of skin rejuvenation


    • Improved Skin Care Routine –

      Once the skin resurfacing procedure is conducted, you will have to wash your face/skin 4 to 5 times a day with special solutions prescribed by the doctor. These solutions are scientifically well researched and tested. They are meant to nourish and protect your skin to their fullest extent. Also, for a few weeks, you will need to be mindful of not venturing out in the sun. If inevitable, you will have to use high SPF sunscreens to save your sensitive and raw skin from sun damage. You will have to abstain from makeup to prevent skin damage from harmful chemicals. All these precautions may be needed to be taken for 2 to 3 weeks and the complete recovery time on an average is 4 weeks.


    Not following the precautions and post-procedure care can lead to infections, deeper and bigger scars, patchy discolourations, etc. This way, in the guise of precautions you will be providing your skin with extreme care and nourishment that is required.


    • Anti-Aging Miracle-

      Skin rejuvenation helps in treating all signs of aging on your skin, like wrinkles, fine lines, crow lines, frown lines, facial sagging and dull skin. It boosts the overall skin elasticity and works on rebuilding old, dead skin cells. Some skin treatments give a subtle lift to the skin, making it look flawless and radiant.


    • Confidence Boost-

      Many patients have shared stories of experiencing improved skin texture and in turn, improved confidence. Some people are insecure about their skin problems/issues, which restricts them from effortlessly participating in day-to-day activities. Skin rejuvenation not only addresses skin issues, it also boosts self-esteem and confidence- making one look and feel beautiful.

    Always try to schedule your skin rejuvenation session at least 3 months prior to any important event. The thumb rule is to always consult plastic surgeon or cosmetologist before you decide to get skin rejuvenation done. This holds true if you are dark-skinned or have a non-elastic and excessively oily skin. Skin rejuvenation is a medical process so professional advice is a must. It’s always safer to refer to a reputed and well experienced plastic surgeon.

    Apollo Cosmetic Clinics is backed by the Apollo legacy of 34 years, and an expertise consisting of the top surgeons of Chennai. Our world-class procedural suites, state-of-the-art infrastructure, personalized patient care, and near-zero infection rates, make us one of the best cosmetic clinics in Chennai. To consult our cosmetologists, click here.

  • 5 Facts About Chemical Peeling

    Is smooth, clear, flawless and even-toned skin your dream? Chemical peeling is a solution to look for. It’s a non-surgical, cosmetic treatment that uses a combination of safe and commonly found acids that are applied on the face. Being a medical and scientific process, chemical peeling ensures a youthful and spot-free skin with visible and long-lasting results.

    Like any other medical procedure, chemical peels, too, need prior preparation, a proper understanding, and certain precautions.

    Here are 5 facts about chemical peels you should know:

    1. Chemical peels treat multiple skin problems

    Chemical peeling is a one-stop solution for all skin related issues. It works best to resolve the damages caused to the skin by sun exposure. Chemicals peels are meant for those skin problems that are present on the surface of the skin and require minimum penetration. The main principle behind chemical peels is that the acid peels off or destroys the upper layers of the skin. The procedure also destroys blemishes, dark spots, lines, etc.. As the old skin sheds, the body treats this peeling as a wound and produces collagen (a protein that produces new cells) to form your new, rejuvenated skin. For best results, you will have to repeat the procedure 2-3 times with a gap of at least 6 months between each session.

    1. Types of chemical peels

    Depending on your skin type and intensity of your skin problem, your cosmetologist will choose the acids. Apart from the types of acids, your doctor will also determine the concentration of the chemicals to be used. There are 3 types of chemical peels:

    1. Superficial: This is the mildest form of chemical peeling. The acid concentration is only 30%. It does not penetrate into the skin beyond the epidermis. That is why it’s ideal for minor skin pigmentation issues and light wrinkles.
    2. Moderate: The intensity of this chemical peel solution is medium. The concentration of acid ranges from 35% to 50%. In this, the skin is peeled off till the upper layers of the dermis.
    3. Deep: With the concentration of acid up to 80%, deep chemical peels are the strong ones. They peel the skin off as deep as the dermis. That is why deep peels often require local anesthesia and sedation. They are helpful in repairing acne scars and deep wrinkles.


        3. Does it suit your skin type?

    Everybody has a unique skin type depending on their body’s constitution. That is why it’s very necessary to get a skin analysis test and to take advice from your cosmetologist to know whether chemical peeling will go well with your skin or not.  Most of the time chemical peels are recommended for people with a fair complexion and light hair. Chemical peels often don’t work on dark skin tones because of post-treatment mix colouration issue- the new skin doesn’t match the skin tone of the parts of the body that wasn’t chemically peeled. If your dark spots are due to hormonal changes then they are likely to reappear despite the treatment. Patients who have had a history of herpes may develop it again after the treatment but it can be taken care of with additional medication.

    1. Precautions you need to take before and after chemical peeling

    A week prior to the day, as per your doctor’s suggestions, you will also have to use high SPF sunscreens so that sun damage doesn’t make your skin extra sensitive to the chemicals. During the procedure, you will experience tingling, slight burning and tightening sensation for a short while. After the procedure, you may have to wash and soak your face frequently for a few days with a prescribed special solution. Apart from anti-viral and medical creams to ward off scabs and scars, the use of high SPF sunscreen is a must. Avoid makeup and sun exposure as far as possible throughout the recovery stage. Your skin will be very sensitive, raw and wounded during the recovery period that is why it will need special care to avoid infections, skin darkening, and damage.

    1. The recovery period

    Chemical peeling is a procedure that does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. You will be discharged the same day of the procedure itself but your skin will take time to heal. If you opt for a superficial peel, then you may experience redness, scaling and swelling for 3 to 7 days and your skin will take at least 14 days in all to get back to normal. If you opt for a moderate or deep peel, then your face will have to be in bandages for a few days. You might also experience slight bleeding. Your new beautiful skin will be ready to show off only after few weeks of the procedure.

    The word ‘chemical’ may sound scary and harmful, but you are in safe hands if you choose a right cosmetic clinic and doctor. For a safe experience and guaranteed results avoid using over-the-counter or do-it-yourself chemical peel kits available in the market. Always opt for professional help. To consult the best cosmetic doctors in the Chennai, book an appointment at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics and meet the experts. Our world-class procedural suites and personalized patient care will make you feel at home. Our top surgeons of India, are experts in treating the rarest of dermatology/cosmetic problem.

    For further information on chemical peels click here. To book an appointment now, click here.

  • 9 Hair Transplant Facts & FAQs

    There are many claims that a hair transplant is the number one solution for hair loss, but how many of these claims are actually true? Stress, hormonal changes, family history, and certain medications – all these can lead to severe hair fall and hair loss. The incidences of pre-mature balding are only increasing. One is often left with doubts– how does a hair transplant work? Is a hair transplant safe? Is a hair transplant effective? What are its side-effects?

    To answer all your queries, here are 9 facts you should know about hair transplant:

    1. What is a hair transplant?

    It is a cosmetic surgery. Wherever you have a hairless potion in the scalp, the cosmetic surgeon transplants or inserts healthy hair follicles through a surgical procedure. Hair follicles are glands that bear the hair roots and are responsible for hair growth.

    1. Does a hair transplant need a separate donor?

    In most cases, you are your own donor. Nobody else’s hair grafts are used- this is to avoid side-effects. The idea is to extract healthy hair follicles from the part of your scalp that still has some hair growth and to plant them in the hairless portions. Hair transplantation is thus not about planting new hair but about redistributing your existing hair evenly across you scalp.

    1. What is FUT?

    There are two procedures of conducting a hair transplant surgery. One of them is Follicular Hair Transplant (FUT). In this method, strips of skin along with the hair are scrapped from the area of the head that is not affected by hair loss (usually the back or the side of the head). These strips are then divided into separate hair grafts such that each graft or mini hair strip now contains 2 hair follicles. These hair grafts are then individually stitched into the cuts or incisions made on the bald portion of the scalp. This method is also known as strip harvesting and is the most widely recommended technique. It can lead to a little scarring at the portion from where the strips are taken which would considerably go away in 2 – 3 weeks.

    1. What Is FUE?

    The second method of hair transplantation is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). In this, hair clusters along with their follicles or roots are manually extracted one by one using a punching device and planted in the hairless portion. It’s comparatively more time consuming but leaves little to no marks or scars.

    1. How does hair transplant work?

    The surgery usually takes 2 to 3 hours and you can go home the same day. Since it involves a surgery, local anesthesia is given. That is why it is better to have someone drive you back home. Depending on how bad your hair loss is, it might take 2 to 3 sessions to cover your entire head.  Each session will have to be done with a gap of at least 3 to 4 months. The main idea of hair transplantation is to allow the implanted hair follicles to seep into the bald portion of your scalp and become a part of it. These roots will then encourage hair growth in a natural manner. Hence, it’s a permanent solution.

    1. How long is the recovery period?

    For the first few days, you may experience redness, swelling, tightness and slight pain & numbness. If they get severe consult your surgeon immediately. Your head may or may not need a bandage depending on your case. You can return to work in a day or two after the surgery. Post a week after the surgery, you will have to go back to the doctor to get the sutures removed. Overall, it may take 4 to 6 weeks to get rid of all the temporary side-effects thoroughly.

    1. What are the precautions you have to take until the recovery period?

    Follow the post-transplant care instructions given by your doctor carefully to prevent scarring, bleeding, and in-grown hair. Avoid any strenuous activity or any form of exercise. Vigourous movements can lead to hair follicles getting displaced from the incisions. Also, the excessive sweat caused by exercise can lead to infections. Stay away from alcohol, smoking and certain supplementary medications at least for 2 months as they can interfere with the healing process. Avoid swimming at least for a week or two as the chlorine can be harmful for your sensitive scalp.

    1. How long will it take for the hair transplant to show the desired result?

    After a few weeks of the surgery, your newly transplanted hair will fall off. It is perfectly normal for this to occur. Slowly and gradually it will take about 3 to 5 months for the new hair to sprout from the transplanted follicles. It will further take a few more months for the new hair to grow to a considerable length. Overall, it might take 12 to 18 months to attain your desired hair all over the scalp. Our experts recommend you to plan accordingly so that your hair transplantation session doesn’t collide with any important events close by.

    1. What is the success rate of a hair transplant?

    Hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss but its success depends a lot on your patience, discipline and the quality of your hair. Sometimes you may not get as dense a mane as you had dreamt of, especially if your hair loss is stress induced. If you are completely bald, then chances of conducting a hair transplant itself becomes very bleak as body hair cannot be used as a substitute for your scalp hair.

    With hair transplant, you not only restore your hair but also restore your lost confidence. For safe and guaranteed results consult only reputed and renowned hair transplant surgeons. Although hair grafts are sourced from your own scalp, a clinic that ensures zero-infection rates will make sure that your grafts are prepared in the most sanitized conditions. Apollo Cosmetic Clinics guarantees this and also ensures the best of patient-care in their world-class procedural suites.

    Visit Apollo Cosmetic Clinics today and fulfill your dream to look young and attractive! Our expert Trichologists are just an appointment away.

  • How much makeup can the skin take?

    Under pressure to look their best every day, most women, and even some men, resort to wearing makeup on a regular basis. But have you stopped and thought about what really happens when you apply cosmetics on your skin?

    Following are some of the most significant harmful effects of cosmetics for your skin:

    Extreme Oiliness or Dryness

    Depending on the products you’re using, cosmetics can make your skin very oily, leaving an unhealthy oily sheen on your face, or very dry, causing it to crack. In the long term, these side effects of makeup could be extremely harmful to your skin’s health and for your pores on face.

    Accelerates the Ageing Process

    While cosmetics might cover up blemishes and any signs of aging temporarily, they actually speed up your skin’s aging process due to their high chemical content.

    Allergies, Reactions and Skin Diseases

    Cosmetic products contain a large variety of harmful preservatives which are known to be carcinogenic. The side effects of makeup extend to causing skin allergies, reactions, and diseases such as contact dermatitis.

    The harmful effects of cosmetics include headaches, damage to eyes, nails, and hair, increased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases, etc.

    Instead of applying makeup every day, it’s time you explore more permanent solutions instead. Read on to discover skin treatments that will give you better skin, so that you don’t have to suffer from the side effects of makeup anymore:

    Pore Reduction

    If you’re looking for ways on how to get rid of pores on face, how to close open pores or how to tighten pores, then a pore reduction treatment is what you need. It will clean out your pores and work on reducing them, giving your skin a smoother and cleaner appearance.

    Acne Treatment

    Acne treatment consists of three parts – tackling active acne, preventing the occurrence of future breakouts, and lightening the acne scars that already exist. Treatment combining all these three aspects will ensure that you no longer have to keep dabbing on tons of makeup to cover up your skin!

    Botox and Derma Filler Treatments

    Dermal fillers and botox treatments help restore your skin’s natural glow by increasing its collagen levels. These treatments can be used to enhance the shape of your face, smoothen out any wrinkles, and lighten your skin and facial scars.

    Why risk side effects of makeup when you can make your skin beautiful and glowing every day? Instead of trying to cover up your facial skin problems, try the above permanent solutions from an established team such as that of Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, which, through its immense experience and expertise, ensures that you no longer have to suffer the harmful effects of cosmetics. Not only will you be protected from the side effects of makeup, but you will also save lots of money in the process!

  • Healthy hair – Home Remedies During Monsoon

    Monsoon is dreaded season with respect to maintaining healthy hair. With water pouring from the heavens, the wetness and humidity in the air, it is difficult to dry the wet washed hair. If the hair doesn’t dry properly it leads to other problems such as hair fall, dandruff, dull looking hair, etc.

    There are a lot of simple remedies that can come to a person’s rescue when it comes to hair fall, dandruff and dull hair.

    Some of the simplest and the easiest tips to maintain healthy hair are:

    • Dry your hair

    When you wash your hair & are going out during monsoons, ensure you have dried your hair thoroughly.

    • Improve your diet

    It is important to maintain an overall healthy diet not only for our skin but also for our hair. Some nutrition to be added on your platter is raw veggies, fish, chicken, pulses, sprouts, dals, brown rice, bananas, nuts, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and yogurt.

    • Use mild shampoo

    Always use a mild shampoo; it doesn’t strip your hair of all its natural oils.

    • The best conditioner = Egg

    Both the egg white & the egg yolk are rich in proteins and fat. Whip together one egg with a little amount of shampoo & apply to your damaged hair. Rinse after 5 minutes.  An egg has super conditioning & nourishing properties.

    • Try tea

    Rinse your hair with tea. It conditions your hair & adds shine to your hair.

    • Henna

    Apply henna to your hair, it strengthens the hair roots & increases the volume of your hair.

    • Essential oils

    While applying oil to your hair add a little essence to it, by adding a few drops of amla oil, a few drops of almond oil, 2 drops of castor oil, 2-4 drops of olive oil, mix these together, warm the oil before applying to your hair.

    • Hibiscus

    Also known as shoe flower, it nourishes hair, prevents premature greying, treats dandruff and also controls hair fall. Crush a few hibiscus flowers in sesame oil or coconut oil. Make a paste and apply on the scalp and hair for a few hours. Rinse off with lukewarm water and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

    If you are looking for a permanent remedy to treat your hair fall and hair loss problems our team of experts at Apollo Cosmetics Clinic can advise you on the best possible long-term solution. Our highly qualified dermatologists can diagnose the reason for your hair loss & give you the best treatment to prevent it. The hair transplant service provided by Apollo Cosmetic Clinics is reputed to be among the best in the country.

    For more info, click here.

  • 4 skin care tips for women with acne

    Acne is one of the most common skin problems faced by most Indians. The main reason behind this is the oil, dirt and dead skin that clogs the pores on your skin, creating acne and minor infections. Taking care of these problems at an early stage can avoid aggravating the skin condition. Ignoring them can cause scars, blemishes and adverse effects on the skin.

    Here are 4 easy skin care tips you can follow:

    • A hygienic face is an acne-free face

    To make sure that your face is hygienic and clean all the time, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day with lukewarm water. Choose a cleanser and moisturizer that suits your skin type, to give the best of hygiene and health to your skin. Exfoliate your skin at least once a week with a natural scrub. Removing makeup before you sleep is a must or else it can cause many problems like pimples, dry skin and lips, and premature aging. Avoid applying too many products on your hair.

    • A face-friendly diet

    A toxin-free body impacts your face because you are what you eat. So staying hydrated and having a balanced diet which includes fruits, vegetables, protein, whole wheat and grains, nut and seeds and omega-3 rich food, can help in keeping your skin soft and supple.

    • Sweat that acne away

    Exercising daily will not only remove toxins and dirt which clogs the pores of your skin but will also reduce stress. Stress is also one of the major causes of these breakouts, and a stress-free life comes a long way for good skin.

    • Home remedies for acne

    Honey is an amazing natural healing product with antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Honey-papaya face pack and aloe vera gel consist of the best anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing this problem. Some products like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid include antibacterial and antifungal properties can help you with this skin condition. However, one must not resort to drugstore products unless recommended by a dermatologist or a skin specialist.

    One can also avail different skin treatments and preventive measures like lifestyle changes, relevant medication, other medical treatments. Sometimes, surgical procedures are also helpful for more concrete solutions to acne problems. Depending on your acne type, and the gravity of the condition, the doctor will suggest appropriate treatment.

    At Apollo Cosmetic Clinic, our skin care experts will first evaluate your skin and acne condition. They will figure out what type of acne you have, and suggest you with the most effective treatment accordingly. The treatment for mild to moderate acne is comparatively easy when compared to cystic or inflammatory acne.

    Receive world-class care, with Apollo Cosmetics Clinics’ state-of-the-art technology and expertise. Boost your confidence with our skin care solutions.

  • Best makeover for Bride to be

    If you’re planning to tie the knot anytime soon, then your skincare routine should be high on your list of priorities. If you want to look your best on your wedding day, then you must ensure that your skin looks its best too.

    There are many bridal makeup tips available for brides to be. Makeup artists have a wide variety of makeup tips and tricks to enhance your beauty. Indian bridal makeup tip and Dulhan makeup tips match the grandeur of the typical big fat Indian weddings. And engagement makeup tips are available to help you shine right at the start of your bridal journey.

    But is this enough? Instead of solely relying on bridal makeup tips, wedding makeup tips, Indian bridal makeup tips, Dulhan makeup tips and engagement makeup tips, treat your skin well and target the problem rather than using makeup to cover it up.

    Following are two significant things you can do to improve the health of your skin before your wedding day:

    – Lead a healthy lifestyle

    Eating and drinking right can make a world of a difference to your skin’s health. Drink sufficient water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated. Reducing your stress levels and getting enough sleep will keep your skin healthy.

    – Skin treatments

    If you’re looking for the best makeover for a bride to be, consider getting skin treatments. While haldi was considered the traditional skin treatment to enhance a bride’s beauty, today there are various safe and highly effective options available. While bridal peels, which reduce scars, lines, and pigmentation, and remove dead cells, top the list of bridal skin treatments, there are other options such as a scar, stretch mark and wart removal, derma rollers, derma fillers, etc. These will not just enhance your look, but will also give you an increased sense of confidence.

    Consult a dermatologist at a reputed cosmetic clinic such as Apollo Cosmetic Clinics to understand how to get the best makeover for your skin in preparation for your wedding. The highly qualified and experienced team of dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics will guide you on the various treatments available and advise you on which ones will work the best for you.

    So, instead of relying only on bridal makeup tips and wedding makeup tips, give your skin a boost with the expertise of the Apollo Cosmetics Clinics team by your side.


  • Hair transplant: 5 myths you need to know

    Hair transplant is a solution for hair regrowth for men as well as for women. However, many people shy away from it, fearing hair transplant side effects and other myths. If you’re looking for a hair fall treatment, read on to unveil the truth behind these myths:

    1. Myth: Hair plantation is painful

    Truth: Hair transplant procedures include anesthesia so that you don’t feel any pain. There is no pain even after the process. At the most, you might feel slight discomfort, which passes off by itself.

    1. Myth: Hair transplant is unsafe

    Truth: The hair transplant procedure works only on the first layer of the scalp, leaving the other 4 intact. This ensures that there is no damage to your skin, brain or eyes. If done correctly, you will only face slight redness or itching for a short period of time.

    1. Myth: Hair plantation is ineffective

    Truth: The transplanted hair is permanent and grows just like any other hair follicle, as it has been transplanted along with the root. It may fall off but it will grow back, following the natural cycle of hair growth. Also, if done by an experienced medical professional, the transplanted hair will look real as it will fall in the same pattern as your natural hair. Just a few weeks after the surgery, you will even be able to cut, color and style your hair as you wish. Also, there will be minimal or no visible scarring.

    1. Myth: Only men can undergo hair transplant

    Truth: Unhealthy lifestyles, genetics and even some medical treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy for cancer can result in a woman losing her luscious locks. So, why should only men enjoy the benefits of hair plantation? Women too can safely undergo this procedure, with modifications to suit their requirements.

    1. Myth: Hair transplant costs are high

    Truth: While the upfront hair transplant costs may be significant, if you do a quick comparison, you will end up spending much more in your search for products such as hair growth oil, hair growth tips and solutions for how to stop hair fall.

    While hair transplant is a must for anyone suffering from baldness, you should visit an established clinic for the same. Apollo Cosmetic Clinic, backed by decades of Apollo’s excellence in healthcare, has a team of world-class surgeons and dermatologists who will guide you and ensure you have a full head of hair again.

  • How to glow on your wedding day- Bridal Peel

    Every girl dreams of her wedding day and hopes to look her best on this special occasion that marks the start of a new chapter in her life. If you’re planning your big day soon, and are getting ready to tie the knot, bridal peels should be a must in your preparations for your big day. You spend weeks and months planning the venue and décor, shopping for your outfits and accessories, and refining the guest list. So, doesn’t your skin deserve some loving care in advance as well? While there are many skin care treatments available for brides, bridal peel is the most popular amongst them as it provides the best results.

    What is a bridal peel

    Bridal peels are skin treatments that include whitening peels, chemical peels, and fruit peels. Unlike typical strong chemical peels, bridal peels concentrate on the top layers of your skin, thereby giving you all the benefits of a peel while avoiding scarring.

    While bridal makeup can cover up your flaws and skin problems on your wedding day, using excess makeup can cause allergies and clogging of your pores. Instead, opt for a longer lasting glow with bridal peels. A bridal peel treatment works on reducing your facial lines and wrinkles by promoting the production of collagen and lightening the appearance of scars, pigmentation, and acne. It removes dead cells and exposes a fresh new layer of skin, leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth and rejuvenated.

    How to choose a bridal peel

    While bridal peels are very effective, it’s important to choose the right peel for your skin to gain the maximum benefits. Select a peel that is safe and suits your skin type.

    When to do a bridal peel

    Once you have set a date for your wedding, get a bridal peel done on a monthly basis. Your last bridal peel should be done two weeks before your big day as this gives the treatment time to work its magic.

    To get the safest and most effective bridal peel treatments, consult a reputed clinic such as Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, which is equipped with world-class procedure suites and prides in its zero-infection rates. The highly certified cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics come with immense experience in the field of skin care and will ensure that you shine in all your glory during your wedding festivities. After all, the bride would look incomplete without that beautiful glow!

  • Exercises after Breast Augmentation Surgery

    If you are planning to get a breast augmentation surgery done or have recently gone through one, then you might want to know what post-op care you need. Most surgeries involving replacements and implants require certain changes in your daily exercise regime for a healthy recovery.

    Physical constraints post-op

    First, let’s focus on what kind of exercises or physical activity you must avoid. Even though a breast augmentation surgery is a cosmetic one, the fact remains that it’s still a surgery. Give your body time to heal naturally. Allow your body to relax. Let your breast muscles and pectoral muscles (under which the implants are placed) get used to the implants which the body treats as foreign objects during the first few weeks.

    Any form of rigorous exercise or weight lifting must be completely avoided for the first 6-8 weeks to prevent:

    • Abnormal/deformed looking breasts
    • Implant rupture
    • Infection due to implant leakage
    • Stretch marks
    • Stressing and pressurizing the pectoral muscles
    • De-alignment of the breast implants
    • Correction surgery due to displaced implants

    Once the swelling and pain are completely gone you can get back to your normal exercise and gym routines, after consulting your doctor.

    Exercises after breast augmentation

    Even though physical activity has to be minimal, there are certain breast implant exercises that you must indulge in for the following reasons:

    • To avoid capsular contracture. It is a condition when the natural capsule or scar tissues formed around the implant during the healing process harden. This tightening reduces the space for the implant inside the breast which can lead to abnormal firmness and discomfort in the breast along with a deformed look. Capsular contracture is said to be the biggest reason for the failure of a breast augmentation surgery. But this can be prevented if the post-op breast implant exercises are adhered to strictly.
    • To assist the implants to settle or drop into the pockets comfortably and naturally.
    • To make the insertion pockets spacious and roomier for the implants.
    • To assure soft and natural looking smooth breasts.

    Post-op breast exercise timeline

    The frequency of your breast implant exercises is different for the recovery stage and the post-recovery stage. Ideally, during every exercise session, each position should be held for 10 seconds and repeated 10 times.

    • Recovery stage: The exercises or massages have to be repeated several times a day during the first 6 to 8 weeks of the surgery. After every 1 hour is ideal.
    • Post- recovery stage: The exercises must be done 3 times a day till the implants gel with the body.

    Three main exercises after breast augmentation

    These exercises are very easy to do and can be done independently without the help of any objects or equipment.  The main objective of these breast implant exercises or massages is to help the implants to settle in freely without any constraints as if they are a part of the body itself. This can happen only when the muscles around the implant are allowed to sooth and relax so that they soften up to make place for the implants to seep in while keeping the original shape of your breasts intact. Remember, these exercises are to be done very gently. Also, make sure you exercise your implants and not your breasts.Here’s how you perform the three vital exercises:

    • The downward push exercise

    Place your right hand on the left breast just below the nipple area. Now roll up or pull up the breast. It should be done in such a manner that while you roll up your fingers should touch your rib (above the breast)and you feel the pressure of the implant moving downwards. Ensure that while you roll up your fingers should eventually be above the implant and not on it. Repeat this with your left hand on your right breast.

    This is essential in the initial days after the surgery. Since the breast implants are treated as foreign objects in the beginning, the implants are not completely behind the breasts. The implants are a bit above the breasts; giving the breasts a high raised look. That is why the downward push exercise is crucial. It trains your breast muscles to slowly loosen up and open up to allow the implants to drop in to their ideal position.

    • The upward push exercise

    Hold your right breast from the bottom with the tips of the thumb and the fingers of your left hand and push it upwards. Repeat the same for the left breast using the right hand.

    This exercise becomes even more important during the post-recovery period. With time and due to gravity the implants tend to sink downwards. This can cause the breasts to sag. The upwards push exercise prevents this from happening.

    • The cleavage exercise

    Crossing your hands across your chest, place your left hand at the outer side of the right breast and your right hand at the outer side of your left breast. Now push the implants inwards i.e. towards the centre.

    This exercise is meant to perfect your cleavage and to avoid the implants from sliding towards the side of your breasts.

    Other helpful breast augmentation exercises

    • The circular motion exercise: Hold your left breast from the bottom with your left hand. Now with the fingertips of your right hand, massage the upper portion of the breast. Place your right hand on the outer line of the implant and massage in a circular motion while moving from the middle line to the outer side of the breast. Repeat the same with your right breast. This is recommended to be done especially for the first week after the surgery.
    • The maintenance exercise: This is advised to be repeated twice a day for 30 seconds during the post-recovery phase. It includes – pushing the breasts up and holding them and pushing them inwards and holding them.

    Every woman heals and recovers in a different manner depending on her body type. That is why it is necessary that you consult your breast augmentation surgeon before doing any of the aforementioned exercises. For the best guidance consult the top cosmetic surgeons of the country only at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic.

  • Does Dermaroller Work? These Facts Will Surprise You!

    What is a dermaroller? Wondering how to use a dermaroller? Learn about a dermaroller, how effective the treatments is, what kind of effects it leaves on the skin and the procedure to use it.

    According to our cosmetologists, a dermaroller is a skincare device that helps in the regeneration of skin cells. It repairs scars and stretch marks, treats fine lines, wrinkles, and many more skin problems. It is easy to perform, takes much less time compared to other cosmetic treatments, and gives lasting results.

    How does a Dermaroller work?

    A dermaroller is unique in its appearance- it has two parts to it- a round roller with nearly 1000+ tiny needles and secondly, a long handle that holds the roller and helps in easily targeting the roller on your skin. The roller’s needles are the main source for repairing your skin.

    When the roller is rolled across the skin surface, tiny skin pricks are formed on the skin layer, which stimulates important ingredients like collagen and elastin. Both these ingredients help in skin repair and cell regeneration. As these pricks increase the natural process of skin repair, the new skin is formed, and thus minimizing scars, stretch marks, acne scars, etc. The process also plumps your skin and works on activating skin cells that are otherwise dormant due to aging skin. This helps in reducing facial sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. It is like a massage on your face but with added benefits!

    Dermaroller is a non-surgical method of achieving young and healthy-looking skin.

    Fine lines and wrinkles are caused due to the low collagen and elastin contents in the skin, which is addressed by a dermaroller. Our cosmetic surgeons recommend this treatment as a highly effective solution for skin problems related to aging.

    How to choose the best dermaroller?

    The effects of the treatment vary depending on the skin type, sensitivity, skin condition, and also largely, on the needles. The number of needles present and the length of the needles impact the affectivity of the treatment. For some patients, longer needles are used to produce deeper pinpricks enabling more production of collagen. It is always advised to proceed with any treatment only after an expert consultation. There are umpteen varieties of dermarollers available in the market these days, but it is always better to consult a cosmetologist before trying them.

    Apart from the skin condition, reactions to the treatment, and skin type- you must consider three main aspects while selecting a dermaroller:

    • Needle length- this impacts how deep the pinpricks are caused on your skin. The longer the needles, the deeper the pinpricks, resulting in more production of collagen and repair of deeper skin layers.
    • Number of needles- this impacts how many pinpricks are caused on your skin. The more the needles, the more the collagen production (use after dermatologist consultation).
    • Length and size of the handle- this determines the ease of operation. If the handle is long, sturdy, and has a comfortable grip, you can easily massage your face without harming your skin.

    7 Facts about Dermarollers

    Here are some interesting facts and benefits of a dermaroller that will surely surprise you.

    1. Premature Aging

    Many signs of premature aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and facial sagging can be reduced with dermarollers. The process of derma rolling slows anti-aging effects by plumping the skin and giving a youthful look.

    1. Sun Damage

    Dermarollers rejuvenate and repair sun damaged skin by stimulating collagen deposits of the skin. Collagen is the skin’s internal healer and does wonders to sun damaged skin.

    1. Hyperpigmentation

    Hyperpigmentation is a skin problem with irregular skin tones on the face- a part of the skin becomes darker. Dermaroller helps in repairing this skin and produces a rejuvenated, even skin tone.

    1. Stretch marks

    Derma rolling repairs stretch marks by repairing the damaged skin cells through collagen production. Even the skin elastin is regained. However, it takes at least 3-12 treatments for achieving visible results.

    Looking for a quick, permanent solution for stretch marks? Click here.

    1. Reducing Pore Size

    Large pores not only reduce the appearance of flawless skin, they also secrete excessive oil causing acne, blackheads etc. Although dermarollers do not impact this directly, they reduce the appearance of large pores by repairing the skin.

    1. Low Cost

    A dermaroller costs much less compared to other cosmetic treatments like chemical peels, laser surgery etc. Although it takes certain time to show effective results, dermarolling improves skin in the long run.

    1. Minimal Infections

    Your skin may take some time to get accustomed to derma rolling. The initial few sittings may result in a little bleeding. If there is excessive bleeding, blood clot, skin rashes or itching, one should immediately warn or discontinue the treatment. Sufficient gap between sessions should be ensured to give skin enough time to heal. In order to avoid all this, one has to seek expert help and guidance prior to the treatment.

    Advantages & Disadvantages of Dermarollers


    • Easy to use
    • Takes less time
    • Not painful
    • Quicker results


    • Has a chance of spreading or increasing acne
    • Can cause skin irritation
    • Can cause infection

    Lastly, it is important to find the right dermatologist and skin specialist for your treatment. It is important for the doctor to analyze your skin, understand its condition, look into where the skin texture can be improved, where the treatments need to be stressed on the skin, and what parts can be repaired. You may also have to discuss your skin care habits, routine, medications being used, skin conditions if any, etc; with the doctor. This is to avoid any complications.

    Located in MRC Nagar, Apollo Cosmetic Clinics has Chennai’s top surgeons to care for all your skin problems. Get the best skin treatments with our world-class procedural suites that have near zero infection rates. Our successful treatments and happy patients stand testimony to our personalized care, professional quality, and state-of-the-art infrastructures. Know more about us, here.

  • 7 Types of Acne Scar Laser Treatments & Their Benefits

    Having acne is scary and when it leaves behind ugly and visible scars on the face, it becomes a nightmare. Acne scars might be difficult to get rid of with home-made remedies and creams, but with laser treatment, you can have an all-clear face and restore your beauty and confidence.

    If you thought that acne affects only teenagers, then think again. Acne vulgaris can happen to anyone, anytime. It’s a chronic disease that occurs when our oil glands are frequently coagulated with oil, dirt and dead cells resulting in inflammation of the skin, a cluster of pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. The main causes are bad skin hygiene and hormonal imbalance that can be triggered by stress, depression, dietary issues, etc. Escaping acne attack may be impossible but attacking acne scars is surely possible with laser treatment in a safe and effective manner.

    7 types of acne scar laser treatments

    Just like there are types of acne scars and skin types, there are different types of laser treatments to deal with them. Here are the most commonly used laser treatments:

    • Carbon dioxide lasers: This is an ablative resurfacing treatment. It involves melting or vaporizing the damaged tissues layer by layer by poking very tiny holes into the skin. Since the holes are minute and made swiftly with laser light energy and not a needle, there is hardly any pain. The idea is to stimulate healing so that the body can produce collagen naturally. Collagen is the protein that helps in the growth of fresh, healthy and new skin especially after an injury. The recovery period might take 5 to 7 days but the procedure itself can be done in just one seating.
    • Fraxel: This is a non-ablative treatment and is one of the most modern options. It does not destroy the outer layers of the skin by vaporizing it. Instead, it heats the skin tissues in such a manner that it clears out or burns out the old skin cells that are pigmented due to scarring. As compared to the carbon dioxide lasers, Fraxel is comparatively milder and is thus better for people with sensitive skin. The recovery time is 3-4 days which is less as compared to the CO2 treatment but the number of sessions required is more.
    • Fractional laser treatment: This is considered as one of the best as it affects only a small portion of the skin. It is designed in such a manner that it impacts only the scarred areas of the face while keeping the parts having normal skin, intact. The laser penetrates deep into the skin and hence is ideal for big, wide and deep scars. Since the area affected by the laser beams is less, the recovery time is also quicker.
    • V-Beam or Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL): This is a highly accurate technology that is perfect for removing the redness of acne scars and rosacea. The concentrated light beams attack enlarged red blood cells (the cause of redness) with heat. The intense heating of the blood vessels makes the outermost layer of the skin almost dead by eroding all its nutrients and oxygen. Once it is shed, the skin gets a chance to grow back normally.
    • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): This is apt for dark or brown acne scars. This treatment doesn’t attack the skin/acne texture much but works on the colour of the acne scars or acne-prone skin. It turns the colour back to the normal colour of the skin. The added benefit is that it also wipes out the bacteria that cause acne. The principle behind this treatment is that since darker objects absorb more light, the laser light is so intense that before it penetrates the normal skin, it is already absorbed in the area of skin which is darker due to scars. The heat thus absorbed, breaks down the pigmented cells.
    • Fractionated Eribum or Pixel laser: This is the most effective for Indian skin. It is completed in 4 to 6 sessions spread across a month. The light beam creates pixel size tiny dots or holes on the skin encouraging the body to heal these harmless and nearly invisible dots. In the process of healing the skin gets a chance to grow afresh, resulting in the appearance of a smooth and even skin in the previously scarred area.
    • Active FX and Deep FX: While active FX is recommended for smaller and shallow scars, deep FX is suitable for eradicating bigger and deeper acne scars. The first advantage of this is that it does not harm the epidermis (topmost and most sensitive layer of the skin) and affects only the dermis (the thicker layer of skin beneath the epidermis that contains the damaged glands and blood vessels). The second advantage is that after the treatment, you are not only scar-free but you also end up with a more youthful skin that’s firmer.

    Benefits of laser treatments

    Owing to their sophistication and powerful impact, you might be skeptical about laser treatments. The common benefits given below of the laser treatments discussed will clear all your doubts and fears.

    • They are non-invasive i.e. there is no surgery required at all
    • Unlike dermabrasion, it is painless as it does not ruthlessly strip off the top layer of the skin using a rapidly moving tool.
    • Unlike punch excision (method in which circles are cut around the damaged skin), the risk of infections is almost zero as there is no cutting and hardly any bleeding involved in laser treatments.
    • Unlike chemical peeling (acids are used to shed the first layer of the skin), there is no risk of harmful reactions of chemicals on the skin as laser treatments are chemical free.
    • The recovery time is minimal. Since there are no cuts and scars as such, the face gets back to normal within a week.

    Laser treatments might have guaranteed results with minimal side-effects but they may not suit everybody. If your complexion is dark or if you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or have sensitive skin, then your condition may worsen with laser treatments. That is why it’s essential to consult an expert cosmetic surgeon before going in for any of these treatments. For an expert skin analysis and authentic laser treatments, only refer to the best doctors in the country at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic. Book an appointment here.

  • Is Scar Revision Surgery Right For You?

    Everybody loves to have flawless beautiful skin. Thanks to scar revision surgery you can now fade your scars away into the past. Scar revision surgery is a common plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery that removes or permanently reduces the visibility of scars on the skin in a safe manner. First, let’s get into the science of how and why scars are formed.

    Scars are nothing but the marks and the blemishes left on the skin after a wound, cut, pimple, surgical incision or a burn heals. They appear when the skin tissues get damaged and the skin gets disfigured and discolored. Some scars also appear if the wound is not healed properly. During the wound healing period, if you expose the wound to too much sun, it can lead to scars with hyper-pigmentation – scars that are darker than the normal skin color. And not keeping the wound dry during the healing process stimulates inflammation leading to bulging scars. Most scars go away with time but some remain if the wound is too deep into the skin or if the skin is damaged frequently (recurrence of acne). This is where scar revision surgery comes in handy!

    Why is a scar revision surgery right for you?

    A scar revision surgery can be recommended for you for various physical and psychological reasons:

    • To enhance your look and beauty
    • To boost your confidence and self-esteem because scars can be very embarrassing and de-motivating, especially if you can’t hide them
    • To ease your discomfort. Some scars can be at inconvenient places that can cause you pain or difficulty while moving around
    • To re-heal a poorly healed wound
    • To reduce the psychological trauma caused by an accident as scars can be a constant reminder of the unfortunate event that caused the scar

    When is a scar revision surgery right for you?

    If you think that getting a scar revision surgery done as soon as your wound closes will reduce your chances of having a scar, then you are wrong. Getting a scar removal treatment as the wound heals can be unhealthy and dangerous, and might leave you with a bigger scar than that you would have had. Here are the conditions required before you’re ready for a scar removal surgery:

    • You will have to wait for 12 to 18 months after the injury for this therapy to be performed. Scars change with time and the true nature of the scar will be known only after 12 to 18 months of the scar formation. By this time the skin on and around the scar will also be tensile or stretchable and be healthy enough to withstand the treatment
    • If you’re a smoker, you may have to quit smoking for a considerable time before and after the surgery
    • At least 1 week prior to the procedure, make sure you don’t use any creams or home remedies on the scar. It can otherwise cause complications
    • Don’t go out at all 1 day before the surgery. The idea is to avoid the scar from sun exposure
    • You have to be mentally prepared, calm and relaxed before the surgery. This is more relevant during the facial treatment. Anxiety increases your blood circulation and pressure which can cause difficulties

    What is a scar removal surgery? Read here.

    What type of scar revision surgery is right for you?

    No two scars are alike. There are different scar removal procedures designed to effectively cure different types of scars. The good news is that not all scar removal procedures are invasive. Some procedures may involve only a few injections and ointments. While only the major scar issues involve minor surgeries and laser treatment.  To know what type of scar revision treatment is right for you, your cosmetic surgeon will examine your health and your scar thoroughly. Your doctor will come up with a personalized plan for your scar removal treatment based on the following conditions:

    • Your skin age
    • Your daily medication
    • The location of the scar on the body – naturally facial scars need a delicate treatment as facial skin is more sensitive
    • The amount of blood circulated around the scar
    • The cause of the scar
    • Your skin quality
    • The size and severity of the scar
    • Your skin color
    • Your general health in terms of nutrition
    • The type of scar

    For further clarification, this has been explained below. The nature and features of the scar also determine the type of scar removal treatment you will require. Here are a few types:

    • Atrophic scars: These are in the form depressions in the skin. These are mainly caused by the deficiency of a protein called collagen in the body. Collagen is vital for skin strengthening and elasticity. Collagen injections is one of the most common and simple therapy to rectify this. Light acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, etc. are some of the atrophic scars that can be treated with cosmetic injections.
    • Keloid and hypertrophic scars: These are broad, raised, thick, dark and clustered scars that form mounds or small outward bumps on the skin. The only difference between a keloid scar and a hypertrophic scar is that the former goes beyond the wound area. The minor ones can be almost corrected with cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) while the major ones can be shrunk and softened with the help of silicone sheets and steroid injections.
    • Burn scars: Wounds caused by fire and acids can penetrate deep into the skin. These scars need a more sophisticated treatment. Skin grafting or skin flapping may be ideal in most cases. It’s when healthy skin from some other part of the body is cut and put onto the scar area.
    • Sunburn damage: Chemical peeling might be comparatively expensive but it’s a treatment used to rectify sun burns and irregular skin discoloration. The whole idea behind the therapy is to shed the old skin and allow the new and fresh skin to regenerate.

    Even though scars cannot be totally erased, they can surely be reduced in size and color and can be made less obvious. The success rate of the scar removal also depends a lot on your plastic surgeon. For best and guaranteed results, only consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Chennai at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics.

  • Do Breasts Look Normal After Breast Augmentation?

    Will my breasts look normal or fake? Isn’t this the doubt that always stops you from going for breast augmentation? If you wish to enhance your breasts, breast augmentation is a good option to achieve this without making them look unnatural. Don’t let this fear hold you back from possessing good looking breasts. To clarify your doubt or fear, you first need to understand how breast augmentation and breast enlargement works.

    Breast augmentation is increasing the bust size by inserting implants that serve as a cushioned or fluffy padding that naturally make the breasts look bigger. This padding is placed right under the chest muscle with the help of a minor surgery.

    Now that you are clear about the process, here’s what you must keep in mind before you opt for breast augmentation for your breasts to look as normal and natural as possible.

    Surgical scars can be instantly concealed

    As breast augmentation is nothing but a kind of surgery, scars of a slit or cut are inevitable. For an apparently instant scar-free look, it is better to get the implant inserted from under the breast. Like this, the scar will be hidden. Moreover, these scars start disappearing within 2 weeks of the breast augmentation surgery.

    Types of breast implants

    The implants should compliment you. It is very necessary for the plastic surgeon to examine your breast shape and form well to decipher the type of implant that will ensure natural looking breasts.

    • Silicone v/s saline

    Silicone implants are made of silicone gel while saline implants are made of salt water. Since the texture of silicone gel is quite similar to our breast muscle – supple, rubbery, gelatin type – silicone filled implants give a more normal look to the enhanced breasts.

    • Round v/s lachrymiform

    For the purpose of keeping the implant’s shape intact, lachrymiform or tear-shaped implants are made thicker and tauter as compared to the round ones. That is why breasts look normal faster in the case of round shaped ones as the tear-shaped ones take a little bit more time to embed properly into your natural breast form.

    • Thick v/s thin skin

    If your skin is on the thinner side, then you should opt for the round shaped implant instead of the lachrymiform one. The thickness of the tear-shaped implants can make your thin skin to ripple or wrinkle, thus giving your breasts an abnormal look.

    • Smooth v/s textured

    To avoid wrinkly and deformed looking breasts, opt for smooth surfaced breast implants instead of textured ones if you have a thin skin. If you have a normal skin, the advantage of choosing a textured breast implant is that the minute ridges on its surface help the implant/ shell to integrate with the breast muscle better. This, in turn, helps the implant to stay in place. It reduces the risk of implant de-alignment or rotation – a risk that can make your breast look abnormal.

    • Enhancement v/s reconstruction

    The difference between the two is that breast enhancement surgery is adding padding to an already available breast muscle. While, reconstruction is almost like restoring back the fuller look of a breast by filling an empty cavity. The latter is done mostly after a mastectomy (breast removal) as a result of breast cancer treatment. Breasts look instantly more normal/ natural when breast augmentation is done for reconstruction purposes. Breasts after the breast enlargement procedure begin to look normal after a few weeks of the surgery.

    Keeping these points in mind can manifold your chances of restoring the natural look of your breasts while enjoying the benefit of enhancement.  Let’s now move on to the post-breast augmentation surgery stage.

    The swelling after breast augmentation is natural and not permanent

    You might expect the breasts to look normal and natural immediately after the surgery but you will have some swelling in and around the breasts. Here’s why there is no need to worry at all. Just like while healing an injury the body produces fluids in the wound area, the body follows the same mechanism even for healing the surgical incisions or cuts. Hence, the swelling is due to the fluids produced. Once the wound is healed the body reabsorbs the fluids and the swelling vanishes. Good news is that 70 to 80% of the swelling goes off in 2-3 weeks and the remaining swelling disappears in another 2-3 weeks.

    The high raise effect

    Immediately after the breast augmentation surgery, the breasts seem as if they have been raised high. Here’s why.  Breasts implants are foreign agents inside your body. Just like we take time to gel with a new acquaintance similarly even our body takes a little time to accept a foreign agent. As the body keeps getting used to the breast implants, the more relaxed the muscles get. This allows the implants to seep in further and adjust and reposition themselves as per the natural form of your breasts.  Thankfully this ‘high rise’ period occurs simultaneously with swelling up stage which means a speedy recovery towards normal/ natural looking breasts.

    Following the below-given steps for the first few weeks will ensure that breast implants get adjusted in the body naturally so that your breasts that don’t look artificial or fake.

    • Avoid lifting anything heavy. Otherwise, the muscle movements can disrupt the alignment of the implant.
    • Avoid exercise or any rigorous movement to prevent implant rupture and leaking. This would not only destroy the natural look of your breast but also can lead to infections and another surgery.
    • Use a surgical brassiere. The pressure and support provided by it will prove to be an asset to keep your assets in their natural shape.
    • Opt for draining the fluid out if the swelling is too big or painful or for more than 2 weeks. Otherwise, fluid retention can also become septic and cause infections.

    All good things take time. Plan your breast augmentation surgery at least 3 months prior to any special or major event to enjoy a hassle-free bold and confident look. The result of the breast augmentation also depends a lot on the expertise of the surgeon. For a safe experience and natural looking breasts consult only the best of doctors. Reach out to Chennai’s No.1 cosmetic surgeons here.

  • Hair Transplant – Does the surgery last a lifetime?

    Hair transplantation is the cosmetic procedure of restoring natural hair growth and a fuller looking mane. In this surgical procedure, hair follicles from an area where hair growth is full or a lot, are removed and inserted into an area where hair follicles are less dense or lacking in number. That means, if you are balding in the front portion of your head, the hair follicles from the back or bottom are taken and inserted into the front portion. Since the back/bottom portion of the head usually has a good growth of hair, the hair follicles plucked out are replaced naturally with new hair strands. The hair follicles inserted from the donor site grow out as natural hair. This gives a natural and full-looking mane to anyone undergoing the hair transplant surgery.

    If you are troubled with questions like should I get a hair transplant, do hair transplants really work, is hair transplant successful, what are the side effects of hair transplants in the long term, and how does a transplanted hair look like after 10 years, read on.

    Click here to read things you should do to prevent hair loss.

    Hair loss is a growing menace in the country. With pollution and stress being the major reasons – in India alone, 60% of men and 10% of women suffer from hair loss.

    Is hair transplant permanent?

    Does the surgery last a lifetime? Hair transplants are not only safe and effective, but they also tend to last a lifetime. The longevity of the treatment depends on how successful the treatment is, how many doses of the same are undertaken, and also the natural hair growth process of the individual. The permanence of a hair transplant is entirely dependent on the individual – It varies from person to person.

    Let’s get some facts about hair transplant straight. After the hair follicles are extracted from the donor site and inserted into the bald portions of the head, they start growing just like regular hair. Similarly, they age, fall and grey with time, just like the natural cycle of a hair strand. Although transplanted grafts are permanent, all things on the body are subject to the aging process. Hair transplant is a great option for people suffering from baldness, as the hair follicles used for grafting are usually much more resistant to male pattern baldness and will not fall out like a normal hair strand would.

    What is the procedure?

    Hair transplant is generally recommended for people with less or no hair growth, chronic or hereditary baldness, balding scalp, genetic defects, or hair loss due to injury, scar or burn. A thorough inspection of the scalp is done before undergoing a surgery. Depending on the size of the transplant that you are getting, the process may take anywhere between 4 to 8 hours.

    Your trichologist may suggest one of these two procedures for your treatment. While Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) is for replacement of small quantities of hair, in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), more hair is replaced at the same time. Find details about these procedures below:

    1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)

    In FUSS, six to ten-inch strips of skin with hair strands are removed from the back of your head. Then the scalp with missing skin is stitched. This area is immediately hidden by the hair around it. The site of incision is very small and is barely visible. After this, the surgeon’s team divides the strip of removed scalp into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts, each with an individual hair or just a few hair strands. After he prepares the grafts, the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, creates holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and delicately places each graft in one of the holes. The number and type of graft you get depend on your hair type, quality, color and the size of the area where you’re getting the transplant.

    1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

    In FUE, the back of your scalp is shaved. Hair follicles from this set are removed one by one and inserted into the bald area as in the FUSS process. The area that is shaved heals with small dots- which are covered by the existing hair.

    Read more about recovery duration for hair transplantation, here.

    Benefits of Hair Transplant

    The foremost benefit of a hair transplant is giving you a confidence boost! It increases your confidence about your appearance and reduces your stress and social anxiety. Apart from this, it has the following benefits:

    1. Safe procedure

    Since the hair used for the transplantation is your own hair, it has a very minimal risk. The body accepts this hair and results in no side effects or infections. No chemicals are used in the process, making it very safe.

    1. No changes in color/texture

    As mentioned above, since your own hair is used for the treatment, the hair will look just like it used to before. There will be no change in color or texture; only the hair may grey with age, which will be similar to your natural aging process or cycle.

    1. Minimal scars

    In both the procedures, the hair grafts are made by either shaving a portion of hair or shaving the skin for hair follicles. Although the cuts or scars from this are minimal, they are covered by the natural hair around the region. Meanwhile, the region restores and grows in its natural form.

    1. Natural looking hair

    Not only is your new hair very manageable, it grows just like your natural hair. So you won’t need to apply any special shampoos or chemicals to maintain its density like in other treatments or chemical procedures.

    1. Permanent solution

    Hair Transplant is a permanent solution to baldness, balding hair, hair loss as well as a receding hairline. Hair growth normally starts after 2 to 3 months. It completes its recovery within 8 to 10 months.

    1. Cost Effective

    This treatment is handled in a single sitting and does not require frequent visits or checkups once you fully recover. When compared to its chemical counterparts and salon treatments, it is the most cost-effective option, as you get a permanent solution to tackle hair fall, unlike the treatments which may not be as effective at the same. What’s a better cure than your own hair!

    Considering a hair transplant surgery? Consult the best Trichologists in Chennai now. Our procedural suites, near zero infection rates and advanced technologies vouch for our successful hair transplantations. Book an appointment with Apollo Cosmetic Clinics now.

  • 6 Foods That Cause Man Boobs

    The top foods that cause man breasts are soy products, beetroot, dairy products, shrimp, strawberries, frozen meat, beer, canned and deep fried food. These foods increase the production of estrogens and can suppress testosterone production.  To reduce man boobs you should eat foods which aid in increasing testosterone levels, such as eggs, oysters, asparagus, figs, nuts, brown rice, salmon, and avocados.

    Gynecomastia – also popularly known as “Man boobs” is a medical condition in men, where the breast tissue gets swollen causing the appearance of “women-like breasts”. The Greek word ‘Gynecomastia’ literally translates to women-like breasts. The chief cause for man boobs is a hormonal imbalance. In some cases it is also caused due to genetic reasons, obesity, use of certain drugs and other unspecified reasons.

    According to some studies, one in four men over the age of 50 may develop gynecomastia as testosterone levels decline and the fat levels increase.

    What causes man boobs, and particularly, what are the foods that cause man boobs? Continue reading to know more.

    What causes man boobs?                              

    Apart from genetic factors, in most cases, hormonal imbalances lead to excessive production of estrogen. This estrogen tends to sit in the chest area in the form of fat, eventually forming chest fat, man boobs or gynecomastia.

    The swelling in the breast tissue gradually disappears in most cases. It is a common sight during puberty as one is prone to hormonal changes during that time.

    If the condition lasts for longer than 2 years, than it may be a cause for concern. Another reason for man boobs is obesity.

    Obesity causes the accumulation of fat all over the body- chest fat included. In this case, reducing your weight can directly impact the appearance of male breasts.

    Any food that is high in estrogen boosts the production of estrogen in the body. Eating these foods is in no way harmful to the individual when kept in moderation.

    When an excessive level of intake happens, it reflects in the body’s estrogen levels, thus leading to fat deposits.

    foods that cause gynecomatia or man boobs
    Diet mistakes you could be making

    A healthy diet usually comprises of a balanced meal with equal proportions of testosterone and estrogen. This is in order to maintain the body’s hormonal levels, however, if the condition is caused due to genetic or other reasons, this tip may not be applicable.

    The ten foods that may cause the development of man boobs are as follows:

    1. Soy products

    Most of the soy products contain plant estrogens which mimic human estrogens, which causes the development of secondary sex characteristics in women. Consuming soy products like soy milk, tofu snacks, soybeans, and other soy-rich snacks may boost the estrogen levels, which cause the growth of man breasts.

    1. Packaged & deep fried food

    These foods have very high saturated fat content in them, which may trigger the accumulation of fat on the chest. Furthermore, packaged foods contain high estrogen which may lead to the swelling of the breast tissue.

    1. Cold cuts and frozen meat

    Not only do these have high levels of saturated fat, they are also loaded with preservatives or wrapped in PVC (polyvinyl chloride) which seeps into the food and causes many harmful effects, one of which is a hormonal imbalance.

    1. Beer & alcohol

    All alcoholic drinks directly impact the liver’s ability to get rid of excess estrogen. Beer not only affects your liver, it also contains phytoestrogens that are converted into estrogen by the body. Thus, consuming excess beer does not only prevent the liver from processing existing estrogens and but also adds additional estrogen components.

    1. Beetroot

    This is a great natural supplement for someone who is lacking sufficient estrogen levels in their body. However, for someone experiencing a hormonal imbalance, beetroot worsens this condition by boosting the body’s estrogen level.

    1. Dairy products

    Studies have found that milk and other dairy products also contain a heavy dose of estrogens. For those who require a balance in their nutrition, milk is a good option. However, for someone who is looking for ways to reduce man boobs, regulating the intake of milk, cheese, curd, ghee, butter and the likes is advised.

    What does Cosmetology mean for Men? Read here.

    Apart from having a check on what you eat, it is essential to inculcate other healthy lifestyle habits like exercising regularly in order to keep your body in check.

    If the reason for your male breast condition is obesity, monitoring your eating habits and avoiding certain foods will help in reducing some of the chest fat, along with regular exercise.

    If you are suffering from gynecomastia due to a hormonal imbalance, it is advised to consult a specialist before following these tips.

    Moreover, gynecomastia may have an underlying condition which can be detected only with a thorough examination by the experts. A scan may reveal tumours (cancerous or non-cancerous) and other hidden reasons for the enlarged breast tissue. Always consult an expert if your condition does not reduce in 1-2 years.

    Are there foods that reduce man boobs?

    As mentioned above, it is a hormonal imbalance that develops the growth of man boobs. It can be a case of excess estrogen or less testosterone. In the second case, a fall in the level of testosterone may lead to an imbalance in the estrogen levels too, which will have the same effect of enlarging the breasts. One can tackle this by increasing the testosterone levels to help in maintaining a balance.

    This can be directly addressed by eating foods that have high testosterone levels in them. Although all the nutrients may not necessarily reach you, inculcating a good diet and exercise regime can boost your hormonal balance.

    Eating foods like eggs, oysters, asparagus, figs, almonds, nuts, brown rice, salmon, and avocados will help in adding testosterone to your diet and reduce man boobs. These foods are high in cholesterol, which plays a crucial role in the production of testosterone. Along with this, ingredients rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are also helpful in giving the body a testosterone boost.

    If both diet and exercise have failed, and you are on the lookout for an easy alternative to quickly reduce your man boobs, consult our experts. A gynecomastia surgery is suggested for those who are unable to reduce their condition despite dietary and lifestyle changes for 2 years or more. At Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, our advanced surgery is minimally invasive, with very little scarring and surgical stitches. It gives the appearance of a flatter chest and an enhanced body contour.

    Don’t let man boobs embarrass you- book an appointment with our expert cosmetic and plastic surgeons here

  • What is corrective jaw surgery?

    Corrective jaw surgery is an Orthognathic surgery that realigns jaw structure and corrects its related skeletal deformities that a patient may require. It’s usually performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) in a hospital setting which involves realigning the structure of jaws using surgical plates or templates, screws, and wires.

    What are its benefits?

    The main purpose is to correct a severe improper bite that may be causing functional problems in our daily activity, such as while speaking, eating food or even during sleep. Some may face headaches, joint pain or gum discomfort.

    What are the criteria for a jaw surgery?

    • If the patient is facing difficulty in chewing or biting food.
    • If the patient is facing difficulty in swallowing.
    • If there is an issue with chronic jaw or jaw joint pain and headache.
    • In case of Open bite (space between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed).
    • If there is an unbalanced facial appearance- from the front, or side.
    • In case of Facial injury.
    • If there are Birth defects.
    • Receding lower jaw and chin.
    • Inability to make the lips meet without straining.
    • Chronic mouth breathing.
    • In case of Sleep apnea (breathing problems when sleeping, including snoring).

    Click here to read: When do you need a Jaw Surgery?

    Corrective jaw surgery can result in:

    • The balanced appearance of the lower face.
    • It Improves function of teeth structure.
    • You get health benefits from improved sleep, breathing, chewing and swallowing.
    • It also results in improvement in speech impairments.
    • It improves the facial appearance.
    • It helps in improved self-esteem.

    After the Surgery:

    After the corrective jaw surgery, first few days a pure diet is required. In this period soft food may be consumed for 6 weeks after surgery after that patient is allowed to follow a normal diet plan. Apart from this, one may expect slight swelling after a jaw surgery. It is normal to experience swelling and this will last for a maximum of 48 hours after the surgery.

    Click here to read: Jaw Surgery Before & After 

    It usually takes 2-4 weeks after the surgery for complete recovery. You can resume your regular activities after this. However, sports should be avoided for at least 3 months, in order to ensure complete healing. For proper guidance, a structural jaw and a refreshed look, visit Apollo Cosmetic Clinics and consult our world-class cosmeticians for the best, sculpted jaw and a perfect smile!

  • 4 lifestyle habits that cause dry skin

    Dry skin – we complain about it, scratch it, moisturize it, peel it off; but nothing seems to help! To effectively solve the problem of dry skin, we first have to understand what causes it and where we’re going wrong in treating it.

    Natural, healthy skin stays soft and moisturized by ‘lipids’ released by our body. The sebaceous glands produce a substance called ‘sebum’ (containing lipids) which maintains the moisture in our skin. Dry skin is caused when this layer is stripped away, either by natural causes or by our own lifestyle choices/habits.

    If dry skin is left untreated, it can cause dermatitis, skin inflammation, swelling or skin infection. Most cases of dry skin are external and similarly, most treatments for dry skin are external as well. It is easy to maintain supple skin with proper care and management.

    Some common mistakes resulting in dry skin are:

    1. Mis-moisturising:

    The most common mistake people make is applying moisturizer to the already dry skin. The role of the moisturizer is to trap the moisture already present on the skin. So it is advisable to dab your skin with a wet towel right before applying your moisturizer. Choosing the right moisturizer for your skin is also important – People with dry skin should opt for thick, yet mild moisturizers without any artificial perfumes or alcohols in them. A simple way to check if a moisturizer is thick enough is to put a blob of it on the back of your palm, and if it runs off the surface, it isn’t thick enough.

    1. Long, hot showers:

    There’s a reason our skin feels extra dry after a long shower with hot water – extended exposure to warm water washes away all the natural oils that are responsible for keeping the skin moist and supple.

    Have quick showers, with lukewarm water and dab gently with a towel to dry off- instead of vigorous rubbing. Apply a moisturizer immediately in order to retain the natural oils of your body.

    1. Excessive soap:

    We’ve always been told to wash our hands, face, and feet regularly. But overdoing it is actually counterproductive for our skin. Scrubbing your skin often drains the natural oils and will result in dry, flaky skin in the long run.

    Use gentle soaps with mild fragrances or even opt for the foam and liquid variations that are available. Never scrub your skin too hard and do not use soap too frequently.

    1. Extreme hot or cold:

    Those long hours in the AC aren’t doing your skin any favors! Long exposure to extreme cold or hot temperatures has an adverse effect on your skin. It drains out your skin’s natural oils and leaves it dry and scaly. Prefer a room with moderate temperature and avoid staying in the same place for long periods of time. Taking a small break from your desk benefits your mind, body, and skin!

    In some advanced cases of acne or dry skin, you might need to turn to medical treatment. With specialized equipment and the best experts in acne scar removal, skin rejuvenation, scar and stretch mark removal; our clinic ensures you get the best treatment possible for all your skin-related woes.

    Consult with our panel of top cosmetologists and dermatologists to understand your skin type better and to know what products and remedies suit your skin.

  • Is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty the right option?

    What is non-surgical rhinoplasty?

    A non surgical rhinoplasty is a quick, 15-minute nose job without a surgery. It is a temporary nose job where fillers are used to shape a person’s nose by visually altering its curvature and sharpness. These injectable fillers usually contain hyaluronic acid (like Restylane and Juvederm) or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse). The non-surgical rhinoplasty is like a rhinoplasty without surgery as it is an alternative to the invasive cosmetic surgery. To know more about non-surgical rhinoplasty side effects, risks and how much this rhinoplasty costs, read on.

    Surgical vs. non-surgical nose job

    The main advantage of a non-surgical nose job has over its surgical counterpart is that- it takes the least possible time- and gives the best possible results! The results of a non-surgical procedure usually last for up to years, depending upon the type of filler being used. Apart from this, a non-surgical option is apt for people who are looking for a temporary solution before opting for a permanent change. It reduces the appearance of bumps, corrects the indents/dents on the nose, and also fills in the hollowness (if any) resulting in a full nose and pointed edges with an enhanced shape. It has minimum side effects and even the initial redness will tone down within a few hours or days. Moreover, there is no bruising or swelling. The procedure literally takes 10 minutes while a surgical procedure typically lasts for 1-2 hours. It also requires overnight stay in order to avoid infections/complications.

    The non-surgical nose job is performed (in most cases) after applying a numbing cream- the effects of which dissolve within a few hours. A surgical procedure, however, is performed under local anaesthesia which invites its own side effects/risks. Nonetheless, one must keep in mind that the non-surgical procedure can only enhance the shape, or augment it. It cannot reduce the size of your nose which can be achieved with a surgical nose job.

    Click to read: Non-Surgical Nose Job: What is it and where can you get one? 

    Although the non-surgical rhinoplasty does not result in permanent changes, one will be aware of what to expect out of a permanent change, before actually opting for it. This foresight will make them opt for an informed decision.

    Looking for a nose job? Our experts can help! Consult the best Cosmetic surgeon in Chennai today, book your appointment here.

  • Jaw Surgery Before and After

    The jaw is an important part of the face, both for functional and vanity purposes. It frames your face, aligns your chin, and draws a perfect end to your beautiful face! A sculpted jawline not only adds to one’s professional look but also makes the features of your face more prominent. With a jaw surgery, one can correct functional problems such as chewing, speaking and breathing. It also benefits one aesthetically, in the sense that it enhances the overall appearance of the face.

    A corrective jaw surgery or orthognathic surgery results in a shapely jaw and chin. A jaw surgery results in improvement of speech, ability to bite and chew. To know more about jaw surgery or jaw operation before and after, orthognathic surgery results and jaw reduction surgery, continue reading.

    Top 5 benefits of jaw surgery

    Before the surgery: Who can undergo a jaw surgery?

    The eligibility for a jaw surgery is usually based on birth defects or defects due to injuries like protruding or receding jawline and the likes. Your surgeon or cosmetologist will suggest a relevant surgery based on your problems, requirements, and expectations from the surgery.  The following are common problems which can make one opt for a surgery:

    • Birth defects
    • Protruding jaw
    • Receding lower jaw and chin
    • Facial injury
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Difficulty in biting food
    • Irregular facial appearance

    Most of these irregularities can be identified with x-rays coupled with guidance from an expert to choose the right surgery. Moreover, if you want to simply enhance the appearance of your jaw, a relevant surgery will be suggested by our experts.

    Meet our world-class cosmetologists here.

    Jaw Surgery Results & After Care

    The before and after of a jaw surgery are visibly varying- however, you must be cautious with your diet, eating habits and skin care to ensure proper healing and recovery. Firstly, it is important to follow your cosmetologist’s instructions. Painkillers may be prescribed to curb pain. A modified diet may also be introduced to reduce the strain on your jaw. Avoid smoking and heavy exercising. All of this, however, is only during the initial period. Usually, it takes 1-3 weeks to resume your normal activities and nearly 12 months for complete recovery.

    Have more doubts about jaw surgery- before and after? Book an appointment with our experts and clear them right away! Avail our state-of-the-art technology, complete procedure suites and years of trusted Apollo expertise all in one go. Book an appointment here.

  • Things you should do to prevent Hair Loss

    In today’s day and age, when everyone is trying to look their best, hair loss is a big concern for many of us. It’s important to understand how to prevent hair fall for males as well as females. Here are few easy things you can do if you’re wondering how to control hair fall or how to reduce hair fall:

    • Understand the reasons for hair loss

    Before you start searching for how to reduce hair fall and increase hair growth, you should diagnose the reasons for hair loss. This will help you tackle the root cause and also help you understand how to control hair fall.

    • Eat and drink right

    A healthy balanced diet can help you resolve your problem of how to control hair fall and how to reduce hair fall. Zinc, iron, Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamins A, B, C, and E help your hair, and hence you should include foods rich in these in your diet. Drinking enough water helps regulate your body and keeps your hair healthy.

    • Use the right products

    Many hair products are full of chemicals that damage your hair and scalp. So, if you’re wondering how to prevent hair fall, then you must use a shampoo and conditioner that doesn’t contain sulfates, silicone or parabens.

    • Avoid chemical hair treatments

    Chemical and heat based treatments such as blow drying, coloring, curling or straightening should be avoided as they can cause great damage to your hair.

    Click here to read – Common cosmetic treatments for men. 

    Looking for more ways on how to reduce hair fall and how to control hair fall? Eliminating dandruff, washing your hair every alternate day and reducing your stress levels will help immensely.

    While home remedies might help, it’s always best to consult a specialist if you’re hair fall is extreme. The team of specialists at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic can diagnose the reasons for hair loss and guide you in controlling hair fall and reducing it. With their combined experience of over 250 years, the highly certified cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic know how to prevent hair loss for teenage guys as well as adults. The hair transplant service provided by Apollo Cosmetic Clinics is reputed to be among the top in the country.

  • Stretch Marks Removal Home Remedies

    If you’ve recently experienced significant weight gain or weight loss, or have undergone pregnancy, you would have noticed stretch marks on your skin. They occur due to the tissue in the middle layer of your skin being stretched beyond its flexibility. These white lines are usually seen in the stomach, thighs, arms and breast regions. With appearance being such an important aspect today, these narrow strips on your skin can impact your self-esteem.

    Here are 4 easy home remedies for stretch marks:

    • Heat therapy with castor and olive oil

    Both these oils contain many nutrients and antioxidants that help in stretch mark removal at home. One of the best home remedies for stretch marks after pregnancy is applying warm olive oil or castor oil on the affected area and following it up with a heating pad to help your skin absorb the oil better.

    • Lemon juice and sugar

    Lemon juice, due to its acidic nature, is often considered the best home remedy. Rub a mixture of lemon juice and sugar into your skin in circular motions for effective stretch mark removal at home. The lemon will heal your scars while the sugar will exfoliate your skin.

    What to expect during the initial plastic surgery consultation? Click to read. 

    •  Potato juice

    Potatoes are not just full of taste, but also full of vitamins and minerals, making them excellent home remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy. Take a freshly cut slice of potato and rub it on your marks.

    • Aloe Vera Gel

    One of the best ways to get rid of stretch marks at home is to rub Aloe Vera gel on the area. As a stretch marks solution at home, you can either apply the gel directly to the area or use it in combination with an oil containing Vitamin E.

    If you’re concerned about your marks and these home remedies aren’t helping, you should consult a specialist at a reputed cosmetic clinic such as Apollo Cosmetic Clinics where a team of certified dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons can help reduce your marks. At Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, the team of experts uses techniques like Fraxel laser to treat stretch marks. With our zero infection rates and fully equipped procedure suites, you don’t have to worry about stretch marks anymore.

  • 4 Myths about Botox Treatment

    As we grow older, our body produces less collagen, resulting in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and sagging of your skin. Botox treatments are used to treat these skin problems and give your facial skin a boost. In this treatment, botulinum toxin is injected into your face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines, especially around your eyes and mouth, and on your forehead.

    While these treatments are popular around the world, there are still many skin care myths and misconceptions surrounding this treatment. Read on to uncover the truth behind its facts and myths rather than just believing all beauty myths and skin care myths that you come across.

    Myth 1 – Botox will freeze your face

    Truth – One of the most common skin care myths and misconceptions about botox is that it permanently freezes your face. The truth behind this beauty myth is that you might experience a loss of certain facial expressions for a short period as the treatment works on relaxing your facial muscles but this is only temporary.

    Myth 2 – Botox treatments are for older women only

    Truth – This is definitely a skincare myth as the treatment is extremely effective even for younger women. Experts recommend that young adults of both genders can avail of the benefits of this treatment as it is best to counter the effects of aging from an early age. Also, men of all ages can undergo this treatment too.

    To read FAQs on this treatment, click here.

    Myth 3 – Skin creams can achieve the same results

    Truth – The truth behind this beauty myth is that even the best skin creams can’t be compared to botox as they both work differently – skin creams work on enhancing the top layer of your skin while a botox treatment digs much deeper. Also, the benefits of Botox are not limited to your appearance – botox treatments are also used to cure health issues such as migraines, backache, and cerebral palsy.

    Myth 4 – Treatment causes scarring

    Truth – While you may experience pain and redness immediately after the procedure, the truth behind this beauty myth is that these effects usually fade within a couple of days.

    Click to read: Benefits of Cosmetic Surgeries you didn’t know.

    With botox facts and myths cleared, you should consult a reputed cosmetic clinic such as Apollo Cosmetic Clinics to understand more about botox treatments. Apollo Cosmetic Clinics assure you of world-class treatments administered by top-notch dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons in fully equipped procedure suites with zero infection rates.

